New Training Plan Week 1

Good evening everyone! I am alive! I survived my marathon! I ended up only taking two days off from exercise. I am doing this new training plan from Kaged Muscle that is going to focus on fat loss. The only difference I will be doing is more cardio (I can't help it. I love my cardio and love running)! It is an 8 week program. This first week I did modified since I took recovery rest days on Monday and Tuesday and OrangeTheory had Hell Week! Week 2 will definitely follow the plan more. I'll discuss the plan in more detail later in this post.

Monday 10/21/19: Rest

Tuesday 10/22/19: Rest

Wednesday 10/23/19: Glutes and Hamstrings and Cardio

4 Sets, 15 Reps:

Lying leg curl
Banded Hip Thrusts
Elevated Hip Thrusts
Sumo Smith Squats
Single Leg Press
Wide Leg Press

Cardio: 3 Mile Run

Thursday 10/24/19: Back and Biceps and Abs

4 Sets, 15 Reps:

Wide Lat Pull Down
Assist Pull Ups
Demigrip Pulldown
Seated Rows
Lying Dubbell Pullovers
Hammer Curls
Standing Bicep Curls

3 Sets, 15 reps:

Hanging Leg Raises
Ball Crunches

Friday 10/25/19: OrangeTheory

Saturday 10/26/19: OrangeTheory

Sunday 10/27/19: OrangeTheory

10/14/19 Measurements:

Weight: 119.5lbs
Neck: 12in
Chest: 32.25in
Waist: 26.25in
Hip: 34.5in
Left Thigh: 21in
Right Thigh: 21in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13in
Left Bicep: 10.25in
Right Bicep: 10.25in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.375in
Wrist: 6.25in

Body Fat w/tape measurements: 22.01%
Body Fat w/caliper: 18.92%
-Abs: 17mm
-Suprailiac: 19mm
-Tricep: 11mm
-Thigh: 15mm

Average Body Fat: 20.47%

Measurements 10/27/19

Weight: 115.5lbs
Neck: 11in
Chest: 32.25in
Waist: 26in
Hip: 34.25in
Left Thigh: 19.5in
Right Thigh: 20in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13in
Left Bicep: 10in
Right Bicep: 10in
Left Forearm: 9.125in
Right Forearm: 9.125in
Wrist: 6.125in

Body Fat w/tape measurements: 21.64%
Body Fat w/caliper: 17.94%
-Abs: 16mm
-Suprailiac: 18mm
-Tricep: 10mm
-Thigh: 14mm

Average Body Fat: 19.795%

Three years. It has been almost three years since I started this journey. I never would have imagined I would be here. So close to getting the abs, completing a marathon, achieving a Boston Marathon qualifying time. Who knew I was capable of that? I had no idea. We can accomplish anything. We just have to work towards it and never give up.

Diet and Exercise:

There's a term for my diet everyone! It is flexitarian, which is a mostly vegetarian diet with the occasional meat. It is not specific on what occasionally is, so that really leaves it up to the individual. My plan will be mostly veggies with one to two serving of fish a week and one serving of either poultry or beef a week. Occasionally, it may be one serving of poultry and one of beef a week, but I really want to try and limit it. I am still going to combine in with the MIND diet.

MIND Diet Refresher:

Foods to Eat:

Green, Leafy Vegetables

The goal is 6 or more servings per week. Serving size being 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked. Leafy greens are high in nutrients. Since I love salads, it is easy to incorporate at least 6 servings a week.

All Other Vegetables

The goal is one serving a day with 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked.Veggies are also super easy to add to salads!


Two or more savings per week is the goal and serving size is 1/2 cup raw or frozen.


Serving size is 1 oz and recommended five or more servings per week.

Olive Oil

Serving size is 1 tablespoon. Goal is to use as main cooking oil.

Whole Grains

Recommend servings of whole grains is 3 or more per day. I love whole grains! Serving size is 1 slice whole grain bread; 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, or other grain; 1/2 cup cooked whole grain pasta; 1 cup whole grain cereal; 8 inch whole grain tortilla; and 3 cups cooked popcorn.


Seafood is one of my favorites! I love it! I wish I lived next to the ocean to get fresh seafood all of the time! Serving size is 3 to 4 oz and recommended serving is one or more per week!

Beans and Legumes

Serving size is 1/2 cup cooked and recommended three or more servings per week.


Serving size is 3 to 4 oz and recommended servings of two or more per week.


Serving size is one glass and recommended once daily. If you don't drink wine, for whatever  reason, you don't need to add it to your diet.

Food to Limit:

Red Meat

Serving size is 3 oz for women and 5 oz for men. Recommendation is to limit to three or less servings per week. Poultry generally tends to be my main protein of choice, so limiting red meat is not very difficult for me.

Butter and Margarine

Serving size is 1 tablespoon of butter and limit to one serving per day.


Serving size is 1 oz cheese and limit to one or less per week. This one is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. It is difficult because I love cheese, but not as difficult as I thought.

Fried Food

Serving size is one donut or one small order of fries. Limit to one or less per week. This makes it easier to say no when people bring donuts to work! 

Pastries and Sweets

Serving size is one cookie, one piece of cake.pie, and one cupcake. Recommendation is to limit to no more than 4 or 5 servings per week.

Foods to avoid are trans fats, but we should avoid those anyways. I need to work on increasing my whole grains, beans, and leafy greens. I do well on vegetables, berries, and nuts. I also do well on foods to limit. I created a spreadsheet to track how I am doing with the MIND diet. I have not been using it, but plan to really start this next week. Starting November 1st, I am going to do no added sugar challenge that ends November 27th, so I'll be able to have some sugary treats for Thanksgiving (although, those may still be limited since I was planning on doing a healthier Thanksgiving dinner anyways)! Those abs are still a goal of mine, and I am almost there. Accio Abs! 

That is why I am really excited to try this program that focuses on Fat Loss. The macronutrient percentages recommended are 40% Carbs 40% Protein and 20% Fat. Since I will still be running quite a bit, I plan on keeping my macronutrient goals the same at 50% Carbs 25% Protein and 25% Fat. If it is not working out and I'm not seeing results, I will adjust my macros to be more similar. The calories calculated were 1725. The exercise routine is going to involve more strength training, which I am super excited about! I have missed lifting! Three days a week is lower body and two days a week is upper body. One day is just abs and cardio (active rest) and one day a recovery rest with no exercise. 5 days a week also have cardio which is 20 minutes steady state cardio. I plan on doing more than 20 minutes and I may have some days that are not steady state, but we shall see. I am incorporating OrangeTheory as cardio.

"Believe in yourself, and you will be unstoppable." -unknown

Easier said than done. This is still an ongoing struggle for me personally. There are moment where I do, and those moment are grand. Other times I don't. In those moments, it is a struggle. In those moment, somehow I find a way to push through. When we believe in ourselves, we create magic.

Until next time,


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