Improving that Leviosa!

Good evening everyone! Sorry for my delay! I think I m going to post every two weeks from now on! I hope you’ve had a great two weeks! I have not been doing so well with some of my fitness goals, but other ones have been great! I can’t wait to tell you all about it! I have hit some new personal records! I have also gone up in weight. So there has been both good and bad.

Progress Photos

Progress photos taken 10/06/18 weighing in at 132lbs 😔. I have got some work to do. After my exercise routines, I’ll talk about what I think I’ve done bad, but also what I’ve done well! Can’t just dwell on the bad!

My last two weeks in review:

Tuesday 09/25/18: Cardio Kickboxing

Wednesday 09/26/18: Arms & Abs

Thursday 09/27/18: Cardio Kickboxing

Friday 09/28/18: Powerlifting
Deadlifts, Squats, and calves

Saturday 09/29/18: Cardio Kickboxing

Sunday 09/30/18: Cardio
30 minutes on Stairclimber

Monday 10/01/18: Legs
Hack squat, Leg Curls, Leg Extensions, Leg Curls, and Abs

New personal best on Hack Squat!!! 4 x 45lb plates for 3 reps!!! :)

Tuesday 10/02/18: Cardio Kickboxing

Wednesday 10/03/18: Cardio
45 minutes on Stairclimber

Thursday 10/04/18: Chest and Back
Dual Axis Incline Press 5 sets (80lb, 100lb, 120lb, 125lb, 140lb) 12 reps for all except 140lb (was 3 reps)

Pull-Up assist machine: Chin Up, Dips, Neutral, Dips, Pull Ups (reps of 12)

Friday 10/05/18: Cardio
45 minutes running on treadmill

Barbell squats! New personal record of 145 lbs x 6 reps!!!!

This week was full of new personal records and levels of soreness!!! :) It was such an awesome week my peeps :) Do you even leviosa? Right now, I feel like I can say that I do (not that I couldn't before, but it is just getting more exciting)! Now, I am just gonna work on improving it. I have felt like this week has been magical. The gains are real! It feels like I caught the golden snitch to win the Quidditch Cup!

Saturday: Cardio Kickboxing

I absolutely love cardio kickboxing and love seeing my improvements in it too! Tons of fun!

Sunday: Rest 
(Well, walked through the Carlsbad Caverns! 😀)

A few photos at the Caverns! :)

Things I need to improve:

  1. Amount of cardio: I have mostly been doing 30 minutes and plan on increasing it to 45 minutes. This is my personal preference. Plus, I want to improve my endurance to to Tough Mudder which is 8-10 miles of 25 obstacles!
  2. Amount of food intake: I have definitely been going over my calories
  3. Meeting Macro percentages: Lots of work to do with this
  4. What I’m eating: definitely been having more treat days than needed
  5. Better descriptions about my workouts 
  6. Taking measurements and progress photos

Things I’ve done well:

  1. Intermittent fasting: I have actually increased this from 12 hours to 14 hours (won’t do more)
  2. Keeping up my exercise routines: Even though I haven’t been doing well with weight and fat loss, I have still kept up my exercises!
  3. Recognizing areas where I need to improve
  4. Staying Positive
  5. Reaching New Personal Records! :)

For the next two weeks, my plan is to continue with intermittent fasting for 14 hours. My macros will stay the same at 45% carbs 35% protein 20% fats with a 1200 calorie goal. I changed my work schedule, so I should be able to fit in 45 minutes of cardio now. I will let you know how it goes! Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Just send me a message!

“If you're persistent, you will get it. If you are consistent, you will keep it.”-unknown

I need to work on my consistency and keep up my persistence. I hope you continue staying on this journey with me <3 I am thinking about doing something, and I have been thinking about it for awhile, but I will talk about it more at the end of the year (super vague I know sorry <3)

Lots of love my peeps <3
Ari 💖


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