Tis the Season!

Good evening everyone! I hope you all had a joyous and spectacular time with your loved ones this Christmas and Christmas Eve! The holidays can be so hectic and stressful, but it is important to take a breath and remember that the Christmas spirit is truly to take the time to be thankful and appreciative of life and family. To take a step back and appreciate the smallest of moments and remember to be kind to not only others, but to ourselves. We can be so mean and hard on ourselves. It's important to remember to love and appreciate and be prod of ourselves and who we are. I love this time of year and I think it is important to carry the feeling and spirit of this time all year long. This week I went skiing and had such great time! I also went to the river of lights and the was dos of fun too!

Monday 12/23/19: Cardio


Tuesday 12/24/19: Rest

Wednesday 12/25/19: Cardio


 I was able to run 7 miles! I finally made it past 4! I only ran once this week because I did not want to chance aggravating my knee, but I am happy with reaching 7!

Thursday 12/26/19: OrangeTheory


Friday 12/27/19: Cardio


Saturday 12/28/19: OrangeTheory


I finally found my OrangeTheory heart rate monitor! Yay!

Sunday 12/29/19: Rest

I had another acupuncture and napropathy appointment today! They are so relaxing and really help out a lot.


I almost did it! I lasted 13 and a half days on my no added sugar! Since it was about less sweet too, I did it with no artificial sweeteners and natural sweeteners. Also, no diet cokes or flavored coffee! Let me tell you, this was one of my strictest and hardest no added sugars. My will power was much better this time around! I am proud of myself. I did not make it to a full 14 days, but I did far better than I thought I would. My weight stayed the same and there slight differences between before it and after it. I think if I did it for longer I would be able to see more. Right now, two weeks is about what I can manage. I will try to work up to longer periods.

Heathy Tres Leches
I got the healthy Tres Leches Cake recipe from Looney for Food. It was delicious!

Healthy Gingerbread Cookies
These gingerbread cookies recipe was from Kristina de Muth! They are whole food ginger bread cookies and absolutely delicious!

Gluten-free Dinner Rolls
These are the same dinner rolls I made for Thanksgiving and were from Gluten Insight.

Christmas Tree Pull-apart Bread
This Christmas Tree Pull-apart Bread recipe came from Tasty with a couple of modifications. I use vegan cheddar shreds from Whole Foods and Miyokos vegan cream cheese!

Peanut Butter Banana Brownies
These peanut butter banana brownies are also from tasty with a couple of modifications. I used light butter, stevia, and peanut butter powder! (I will eventually learn to take better food pictures πŸ˜‚)

My combo diet of MIND and pescetarian diet has been a little less on point since ending the no added sugar and letting myself indulge, but it will be back full on when January 6 (the start of the lean muscle challenge comes around)! I have not weighed myself since Christmas Eve, so we shall see how bad I did since I will have to weigh myself and do measurements at the start of the challenge. My calorie intake has definitely been way over this past week. I plan do do better about being on track with calorie intake starting tomorrow and stricter about my diet starting on January 6!

The end of the year is fast approaching. It is a time where we start to reflect and think of those New Year's Resolutions. I did pretty well with mine this year. What a year. I'll talk about it more in my next post. I still have not come up with my New Year's Resolutions, but I will before the New Year, I promise.

"Don't count the days, make the days count" -Muhammad Ali

Live each and everyday to the fullest. Even days where we struggle whether it be with work, family, exercise, diet, or whatever else. We got this. Let's cherish every moment πŸ’™!

Until next time,
πŸ’–Ari πŸ’–


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