Marathon Training Week 25: Taper Phase and Race Day!!! I did it! :)

Good evening you magical humans! I meant to post yesterday, but I was exhausted. Sorry for being a little delayed! Last week when I got my bib number, I felt a little sick. I was just so nervous for the marathon. The distance is so daunting. I felt was so nervous, excited, and terrified. Our minds can be our greatest friends or biggest enemies. I started to doubt whether or not I could actually run it. I knew I could ruin my run before it even started so I took a step back and deep breath and let it all go. Let go of all of my doubts and worries. Let go of worrying about time (well tried to). Signing up for this and even doing it whether it takes me over 4 hours, whether I walk or not, just participating is a huge milestone and accomplishment in itself. It is something to be proud of. I held onto that all week.

My co-workers got me a card and made me this to wear on race day out of shrinkable paper! I was so touched!

My twin sister bought me this key chain. I ran with them both as well as with all of the kind words everyone wrote, not just those words but form the words and encouragement of all my friends and family as well.

Week 25: Taper Phase

Monday 10/14/19: Speed Work and Barre

2 mile Warm Up
2 x 800 at HMP with 90 seconds rest
2 x 800 at 10k Pace with 2 minutes rest
2 mile Warm Down

Tuesday 10/15/19: Easy Run

2-4 mile easy run

Ran 4 miles at 7:50min/mile. It was somewhat difficult to not go faster, but I knew it was really important I go easy this week and really follow the training plan. I did not want to over do it before race day.

Wednesday 10/16/19:  Rest and Barre 


Thursday 10/17/19: Tempo Run

2 mile Warm Up
2 miles at MP
1 mile Warm Down

Friday 10/18/19: Rest


I did go to yoga, so I could get in more stretching!

Saturday 10/19/19: Easy Run and Barre

2-3 mi easy run

I also went to acupuncture and massage getting ready for race day!

Sunday 10/20/19: Race Day!!!

I did it! I cannot believe it still, but I did it. I was the 16th overall finisher and was the 3rd female finisher! My time was 3 hours 16 minutes and 29 seconds (7:29min/mile). That's a Boston Marathon qualifying time! Boston Marathon 2021 here I come (hopefully). I am still a little bit shocked. I will tell you that this was so hard, but fun. That last 10k was the most difficult. I slowed down quite a bit, but I did not stop. I kept going. I kept thinking to myself "one more step" and "one more mile". I kept thinking about all of the support from my co-workers, friends, and family. I kept thinking that I can do this as I was running. My legs felt so heavy and I felt pain, but I kept going. 

I kept repeating all of these quotes in my head. Finding it in me to continue and not give up. Crossing that finish there was this feeling that I can't explain. I was over-joyed, shocked, and just thinking that I did it. 26.2 miles. There were times I wanted to stop, but I kept going. I love running, there is nothing else like it for me. I was a little beat up after it, but when I run, I feel a sense of freedom. I also feel dread at times, but that's part of why I love it. It can be this mental battle of continuing to push forward when part of you wants to stop. When you overcome that, and keep going, that feels incredible and is making you stronger with every step.

Diet and Exercise

This next week I am pretty much taking off with the exception of a few workouts later in the week. I am definitely going to be working on a new exercise plan as well as meal plan! Be on the look out for that next week :) Since I really want to focus on my eating, I want to start sharing some meals with you and what I am eating. I plan to continue a mix of the MIND diet and Pescatarian diet! I will be more detailed in next week's post and have calorie, macro, exercises, and other details for you all. I am excited! I do not know what is next, but the possibilities are endless!

We can do anything we set our minds to. We just have to find the courage and strength to do so. We also do not have to do it alone. My support system means the world to me. Even though I am out there running on my own, their belief in me is always with me. We can do it. Always. It just takes one more step 😊

Until next time,


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