Marathon Training Week 20: Second Half Marathon Completed!!!

Good evening everyone! This week was a busy but really good week. I went to the movies, my friend's baby's 1 year birthday party (he's adorable), and had my second ever half-marathon race! To celebrate that, definitely went to Red Lobster! I also started watching Harry Potter again 😆! My training was so-so this week. I also tried really hard to focus on calorie consumption and macro-nutrient percentages, which were not the best, but that's okay. The previous two weeks I hadn't been the best on calories consumed, but they mostly were still falling within maintenance range (not cutting which is still currently my goal). This week I tried carb loading on Friday and Saturday. Felt so bloated! I can't believe I only have 5 more weeks left of training! It is so crazy! Here is my training week in review:

Week 20: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 9/9/19: Speedwork and Barre

2 mile warm up
2 x (1 mile at HM, 800m at 5k) with two minutes rest
2 mile warm down

This run was not one of my best. I don't know what has been happening! My running has not been great, and I have not felt the greatest. For this run, I had to stop three time and run to the bathroom! It definitely meant I did not burn as many calories as normal and did not get into a higher rate zone like normal. All the stopping meant my heart rate kept coming down, and I also could not run faster without aggravating my tummy and needing to run to the restroom. Guess they don't call in runner's stomach for nothing.

Tuesday 9/10/19: OrangeTheory and Legs


4 sets:

Leg Press: 180lb
Seated Leg Curl: 50lb
Leg Abductors: 110lb
Leg Extension: 120lb
 Leg Press: 180lb

Today for legs, I took it easier and lighter because it had been awhile since I had worked legs. Plus, I had the race later in the week. I kept the weight light and increased the reps each set. The first set was 12 reps, second set 14 reps, third set 17 reps, and fourth set was 20 reps. 

Wednesday 9/11/19:  Tempo Run and Barre

1 mile Warm Up
6 mile cut-down at MP (start a little slower & increase the pace every 2 miles)
1 mile Warm Down

I did not pay too much attention to my pace or heart rate on my runs this week. 

Thursday 9/12/19: OrangeTheory

Friday 9/13/19: Easy Run

4-5 mile aerobic run

Saturday 9/14/19: Rest

Sunday 9/15/19: Half Marathon

My half marathon went really well! I came in 23rd overall, 4th female, and 1st in my age group! I averaged a 6:47min/mile! I really surprised myself. I got complimented by another runner after the race. He told me I was impressive and that I did really well with my pacing. My brother also overheard these two ladies talking and they said I did pretty well for having such short legs 😂

I forgot to tell you last week, I am so sad to say that I have lost some toenails. Very depressing 😢. It's from that first 15 mile run I completed. My shoes were not the right size and my socks were not the best choice. I stubbed my toe, and it came off (well three have  come off). It is the sacrifice I must make to complete this endeavor. Live and learn my friends. Live and learn.

On another note, I made a spreadsheet to better track how I am doing on the MIND diet. I have definitely reduced my cheese intake and increased whole grains, and other things like that, but I want to know more specifically how many serving of leafy greens and whole grains I am having. I also want to know when I go over the recommended limit to cheese, butter, sweets, and fried food.

Measurements for you next week! I have no idea how they will be. Probably not the best. This past week has been my worst in terms of calorie consumption, but we shall see.

"There is no shortcut. It takes time to build a better, stronger version of yourself"-unknown

I don't like the use of the word better in this quote. I do love the use of the word strong. That's what are doing. Making ourselves stronger!

Until next time,
<3 Ari <3


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