Muggle Monday
Hi everyone! Sorry for my delay! I went to Phoenix and the week following has just been pretty busy. I will get back on top of it and get better with my weekly posts as well as being more descriptive. I hope your Monday is going well!
Wednesday 1/23/19: Legs
4 sets:
Pulse Squats-20 reps
Straight leg dead-20 reps
Pulse Squats-20 reps
Leg Extensions (Abductors)-20 reps
I was not feeling very well on this day, but I made it to the gym. Odd numbered sets I did leg extensions and even numbered sets I did abductors. With each set, I went up by 10 reps, except I kept the straight leg dumbbells reps at 20. I used 15lb dumbbells for the pulse squats and deadlifts.
Thursday 1/24/19: Cardio and Barre
I try to get in at least 10 minutes of cardio before teaching my class! I am getting more confident. I still forget things and feel nervous, but I am really loving it!
Friday 1/25/19: Deadlifts
I felt really good, but I could not match my previous best. It left me feeling really mad and frustrated. It was not my best day. Then, when I got home my just strong apparel had arrived and it gave me perspective. "Progress not Perfection". We have to give our best each day and some days our best will yield different results than other days. We have to remember to keep going!
Saturday 1/26/19- Monday 1/28/19: Rest
I went to Phoenix and had tons of fun!
Tuesday 1/29/19: Chest/Back and Barre
4 sets:
Chest Press
Pull Down
Barre was fun! I started throwing in new things. I think as I get more comfortable, I am really going to make it my own and I am so excited for that!
Wednesday 1/30/19: Legs
4 sets:
Leg Press Wide-180lbs
Seated Leg Curls-45lbs
Leg Press Middle-180lbs
Leg Extension:-no idea
Leg Press Narrow-180lbs
First set reps were 17, second set 20, third set 23, and last set 25.
Thursday 1/31/19: Cardio and Barre
Got in 15 minutes on the Stair Climber and then taught class!
Friday 2/1/19: Deadlifts
30 minutes on the stairclimber and then I deadlifted! I went heavy! Last week, I couldn't match my previous personal record, but this week I got a new one! 254lbs for 1 rep! I cried. Powerlifting days make or break me, but no matter what I love it.
Saturday 2/2/19: Barre
I went to Barre class! I have been meaning to, but I haven't had a chance. I totally got some new ideas! It was awesome!
Sunday 2/3/19: Rest
2/2/19 I weighed in at 135lbs.
I am not happy with it (sorry for my terrible pictures 😂), but I haven't been doing the greatest with my diet. I don't know why, but it has been much more of a struggle than normal. I need to re-forcus with that. I didn't take other measurements. I didn't get up with enough time to. Those will happen!
4 sets:
Pulse Squats-20 reps
Straight leg dead-20 reps
Pulse Squats-20 reps
Leg Extensions (Abductors)-20 reps
I was not feeling very well on this day, but I made it to the gym. Odd numbered sets I did leg extensions and even numbered sets I did abductors. With each set, I went up by 10 reps, except I kept the straight leg dumbbells reps at 20. I used 15lb dumbbells for the pulse squats and deadlifts.
Thursday 1/24/19: Cardio and Barre
I try to get in at least 10 minutes of cardio before teaching my class! I am getting more confident. I still forget things and feel nervous, but I am really loving it!
Friday 1/25/19: Deadlifts
I felt really good, but I could not match my previous best. It left me feeling really mad and frustrated. It was not my best day. Then, when I got home my just strong apparel had arrived and it gave me perspective. "Progress not Perfection". We have to give our best each day and some days our best will yield different results than other days. We have to remember to keep going!
Saturday 1/26/19- Monday 1/28/19: Rest
I went to Phoenix and had tons of fun!
Tuesday 1/29/19: Chest/Back and Barre
4 sets:
Chest Press
Pull Down
Barre was fun! I started throwing in new things. I think as I get more comfortable, I am really going to make it my own and I am so excited for that!
Wednesday 1/30/19: Legs
4 sets:
Leg Press Wide-180lbs
Seated Leg Curls-45lbs
Leg Press Middle-180lbs
Leg Extension:-no idea
Leg Press Narrow-180lbs
First set reps were 17, second set 20, third set 23, and last set 25.
Thursday 1/31/19: Cardio and Barre
Got in 15 minutes on the Stair Climber and then taught class!
Friday 2/1/19: Deadlifts
30 minutes on the stairclimber and then I deadlifted! I went heavy! Last week, I couldn't match my previous personal record, but this week I got a new one! 254lbs for 1 rep! I cried. Powerlifting days make or break me, but no matter what I love it.
Saturday 2/2/19: Barre
I went to Barre class! I have been meaning to, but I haven't had a chance. I totally got some new ideas! It was awesome!
Sunday 2/3/19: Rest
2/2/19 I weighed in at 135lbs.
I am not happy with it (sorry for my terrible pictures 😂), but I haven't been doing the greatest with my diet. I don't know why, but it has been much more of a struggle than normal. I need to re-forcus with that. I didn't take other measurements. I didn't get up with enough time to. Those will happen!
Finally started Kingdon Hearts III 😍 My older sister and I have always played the Kingdom Hearts games together, so I waited all week to start it!
"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great"-Zig Ziglar
Ta Ta for now 💖
Ari ♡
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