Nearly Headless Hunt: Progress Photo 6

Greetings :) I hope you all had a magnificent weekend! Happy Hump day! This will be my only post this week. I'm going to be out of town!

There is a big time gap in between progress photo 5 and progress photo 6. As you will see in the measurements I recorded, I had a rough summer in terms of weight loss. Here they are:

Jun 8, 2017: 151.2 lbs
Jun 15, 2017: 149.5 lbs
Jul 17, 2017: 154 lbs
Jul 21, 2017: 151.6 lbs
Aug, 18, 2017: 155.5 lbs
Sep 14, 2017: 152 lbs
Sep 24, 2017: 150 lbs

Progress Photo 6

I have no idea why I am headless in this photo. I do believe I was getting ready and then realized I still needed to take a progress photo. Why I felt like I should crop off my head is beyond me. Maybe with this I can join Nearly Headless Nick on his petition to join the Headless Hunt. Anyways, progress photo 6 taken September 26, 2017 weighing in at 148.8 lbs. Remember when I told you I don't do well when I hit a plateau?.....I did not do well. For three months, my weight fluctuated. I would lose some weight then gain even more back and repeat. It was rather frustrating. Normally, I would have given up. I would have lost motivation, but I remembered why I started. I was doing this for me. I did not have a time crunch so why was I stressing so much? I also wanted it to be different this time. I wanted to be different.

"I already know what giving up feels like. I want to see what happens if I don't." -Neila Rey

Giving up feels like shit. It feels awful. Then, you think, "What if? What if I hadn't given up? Where would I be?" I did not want to ask myself those questions yet again. I wanted to see what happened when I didn't give up. Although I did not make any progress for three months, I finally started to get myself into gear and in September began to make progress again. 

After the health challenge, I decided to try Isagenix. They have some great products, but it is not for me. I just do not do well with any sort of diet or fasting. Although those do not work for me, maybe they'll work for you. I started with the 30 day system. You can choose to do back to back cleanse days or one a week. I chose one a week. My weeks looked like this:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21
Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27 Day 28
Day 29 Day 30

S is for shake days and C is for cleanse days. Isagenix recommends 2-5 days before your first cleanse day. Before partaking this, I knew cleanse days would be a really big challenge, but I decided to give it a try anyway.

Shake days are like this:

Before Breakfast Ionix
Breakfast Isalean Shake
Natural Accelerator
Midmorning Optional Snack (200 calories or less)
Lunch Isalean Shake or 400-600 calorie meal
Natural Accelerator
Midafternoon Optional Snack (200 calories or less)
Dinner Isalean Shake or 400-600 calorie meal
Before Bed Isaflush 

Cleanse days are like this:

Before Breakfast Ionix
Breakfast Cleanse for Life
Isagenix Snacks
Natural Accelerator
Midmorning Cleanse day approved snack
Lunch Cleanse for Life
Isagenix Snacks
Natural Accelerator
Midafternoon Cleanse for Life
Cleanse day approved snack
Dinner Cleanse for life
Isagenix Snacks
Before Bed Isaflush 

Also, you want to drink a lot of water. Especially on cleanse days. You will also be peeing like a pregnant lady (although I do that anyway 😂...according to my friend sometimes more than a pregnant lady 😐). I'd say I did pretty well for two weeks. The shake days were not too bad for me, but the cleanse days were so hard for me. Needless to say, I kind of failed with Isagenix, but I tried something new. I'm glad I did. There was the possibility it would work for me like it does for other people, but it just was not for me, but it could be for you. You can look up a lot of information online. I did and talked to friends before starting it. Part of my struggle was, I do not do well with diets or fasting because I do not like to deprive myself or feel guilty about what I eat. Yeah, sometimes I'll have ice cream, pizza, or fast food. I don't be myself up about it or linger feeling bad about it. I make sure it fits into my calories for that day. If it doesn't, I do more cardio or I make up for it the next day. Heck, sometimes I have a bad week or couple weeks (...or even a few months), but I make up for it later. I love food and don't regret when I enjoy a burger or fries. That's why I tend to just calorie count. I normally can fit something like a slice of cake into my day without going over and not feel guilty about it. 

I was still doing Fitness Bootcamp and Zumba, but I also incorporated TRX into my routine for four months. TRX is a suspension training that develops strength, balance, and core stability, and flexibility. Mondays and Wednesdays were fitness bootcamp. Tuesdays were TRX, and Thursdays were for Zumba. Towards the end of the summer, I started going to the gym for cardio. I started with 30 minutes on the elliptical (with a goal of eventually getting up to 60 minutes of cardio). I'm weird and love cardio. Although, sometimes I kind of hate it in the middle of doing it 😂. Then, I'd do Zumba either Saturday or Sunday. I was trying to slowly incorporate more variety as well as increasing the number of days per week I was exercising. 

It was a really frustrating 3 months. I felt sad and discouraged, but I still kept at it. I'm grateful for this period. It was one of my first major hurdles and setbacks I had to overcome. It was not easy, but I did it. I did not give up and because of that, I got to where I am today. Nothing in life is smooth sailing. There are always some sort of setbacks. Overcoming each setback, launches us into something great, even if we do not always see it at the time. 

"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it back. So when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great. Just focus and keep aiming!"-Anonymous

Keep on aiming and keep up that effort,
 <3 Ari <3


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