New Plan! What's to come?!?!

Good evening everyone! I am finally on time (shocking I know). Everything has been super hectic and busy. This week was so long. I worked longer days because I have so much to do at work and was going to be losing time due to the holidays. Needless to say, I am beyond glad I made it to the weekend and had a chance to recharge. My batteries were definitely on empty. I had been feeling lost with my workouts all week since I had not yet figured out what my plans were. What are my next steps? What are my goals? Do I want to train for another marathon (yes, but that has to wait until my knee situation gets figured out)? Do I want to train for a personal best half marathon (yes, but same deal with knee)? I kept asking myself all of these questions. What's next? Then, I saw a lean muscle challenge from Kaged Muscle that I want to try! It starts January 6, 2020. I am so excited because I do not feel as lost anymore. I am excited to go back to high intensity strength training which it looks like this will be, but I will still get my cardio πŸ’—. It is a 12 week program. By the end of it, I hope my knee is good to go, and I can get on that running train that I love so much! I love challenging and pushing myself, and this program looks like it will do just that and not just with workouts. I will have a challenge with macronutrients...since I have never done well at tracking them πŸ˜‚. It'll be fun!

Monday 12/16/19: Cardio


Tuesday 12/17/19: OrangeTheory


Wednesday 12/18/19: Cardio and TRX



It has been quite some time since I did a full TRX workout class. It is such a great workout for your core. I felt sore in my back after it. I enjoyed it. It was incredible to notice the difference in strength from the first time I ever did TRX to now. I love changing it up and adding different classes to my routine!

Thursday 12/19/19: Circuit Training

Circuit Training

I loved this class. I felt like I was in my element. There were various stations using different equipment from resistance bands to kettle bells to target strength and conditioning!

Friday 12/20/19: Cardio


Saturday 12/21/19: Cardio


Sunday 12/22/19: Rest

I had an acupuncture and napropathy appointment today! Yay! It felt so nice and was much needed! I did bad on stretching and foam rolling this week. I need to do much better about that.


I am almost done with my two week no added sugar! This second week has been a lot tougher than the middle and end of the first week. The beginning of the first week was not too bad. Then, I got some headaches and cravings, but I pushed through. I think it has been tougher because there are sugar free coffee sweeteners I really want to try. Also, for work my team had lunch and I really wanted a croissant. I stared at the croissant my co-worker got so longingly πŸ˜‚I did not give in! My will power has been much better this second go round than it was for my attempt after Halloween (I cheated once a week and only managed it for two and a half weeks πŸ˜‚) even though this one has been stricter! Progress! It is also just about trying and seeing what works. I think I had a better mindset going into to this one which has helped. I also have not thought of it as failure if I do end up having a sugar free sweetener or something. I am trying really hard not to though! Just a couple of more days left! Christmas Eve will be the hardest since I am going to my Aunt's house for dinner. That will be the real challenge, but I am planning on just bringing home what I can't eat and having some on Christmas.

I have definitely been following the MIND diet and pescetarian diet better (with occasional beef/poultry). I have incorporated more berries, whole grains, and leafy greens. My food plan during the added sugar has helped since I incorporated a lot more leafy greens, berries, nuts, and whole grains. I have checked the servings per day and they have been mostly on point! My calorie intake has definitely been more consistent this week and on target. Yay! I am doing well not eating too late. I have also been sleeping better. I have not been taking these melatonin gummies since they have added sugar, but I have been able to stay asleep better (except when I wake up to use the bathroom...all of that water πŸ˜‚). I did not make too much this week (I tried out the daily harvest smoothies and bowls that fit the no added sugar plan). I did make a guacamole bowl that had guacamole, sour cream, black beans, brown rice, tomatoes, salt, pepper, garlic, and corn. I did not take a picture. I also made kept sandwich bread and a veto pumpkin bread for my co-worker. I also did not take pictures. Next week, I will have pictures of what I make for Christmas!

“Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life”-unknown

This is so true. There is no ending. With every goal achieved, we find something new to focus on and work towards, and that goal can be maintenance. With maintenance, it really is our way of life. There are struggles to get there. Figuring out what works for ourselves, what will help us adhere to a workout regimen, the types of workouts, and nutrition. It is a puzzle we have to solve, but with effort and perseverance, everything falls into place.

Until next time,
πŸ’–Ari πŸ’–


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