Training Week 18 and 19!

Good afternoon everyone! I am sorry I did not post last weekend! I just got so busy with the holiday weekend! I went to a greek festival and the movies. It was a fun and busy weekend! This weekend was pretty busy as well. I went to watch IT Chapter 2! I enjoyed it! Last weekend, I finished watching Harry Potter! I think I am going to rematch it again! I may have a problem lol! This weekend, I watched the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I also plan on rematching that. I forgot how much I loved it! Here are my last two training weeks in review! I can.t believe how close my Marathon is! Time to buckle down! I am sorry, I am not sure what my speeds were during my workouts. I have been playing around with them; however, I think I pushed it just a little too hard this last week. My long run really reflects that.

Week 18: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 8/26/19: Speedwork and Barre

2 mile warm up
2 x (1 mile at HM, 800m at 5k) with two minutes rest
2 mile warm down

Tuesday 8/27/19: OrangeTheory and Upper Body

4 Sets:

Incline Chest Press: 70lb, 80lb, 90lb, 100lb
Seated Row: 100lb, 120lb, 130lb, 150lb
Shoulder Press: 40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb
Hyperextension: Bodyweight
Tricep Push Down: 40lb, 50lb, 6lb, 60lb
Supinated Dumbbell Curl: 15lb dumbbells, 20lb, 25lb, 30lb

Reps started at 10 and decreased each set to 8, 6, and 6 reps, except for hyperextensions which remained at 17 reps each set.

Wednesday 8/28/19:  Easy Run and Barre

5-7 mile easy run

Thursday 8/29/19: OrangeTheory

Friday 8/30/19: Aerobic Run and Yoga

6-8 mile aerobic run

Saturday 8/31/19: Long Run and Barre

2 mile warm up
9-10 mile MP Tempo Run
2 mile warm down

Sunday 9/1/19: Rest

Went to a Greek Festival today! Had some delicious food! It was a lot of fun!

Week 19: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 9/2/19: Speedwork and Barre

2 mile warm up
4 x (800m uphill at HMP, 60 seconds rest, 800m downhill at MP)
2 minutes rest between sets
2 mile warm down

Happy Labor Day!

Tuesday 9/3/19: OrangeTheory 

I had a dentist appointment, so I was not able to strength train 😒

Wednesday 9/4/19:  Tempo Run and Barre

2 mile warm up
4 mile Tempo at HMP
1 mile warm down

Thursday 9/5/19: OrangeTheory

Friday 9/6/19: Rest

I woke up feeling so drained and tired. I decided I needed to rest and switched up my rest day and easy run days. I think it is a sign I have been pushing my body way too hard lately.

Saturday 9/7//19: Long Run and Barre

Marathon Simulation (on rolling hill course):
7-8 miles easy
7-8 miles at MP
1-2 miles easy

I was not feeling great for this one. I did not feel great the not before nor the morning of. I was not very motivated for this run for some reason. I was really nervous for it because of it. Also, since I was not feeling 100%, I was planning for it to take closer to 9 min/mile. I did not do well with the run as a marathon simulation. Honestly, I was just really happy that I got in the miles. I felt so sick after this run and really tired. During the run, the were many time where I thought I was going to throw up and felt like I needed the bathroom. I was also hurting in the left IT band. I really wanted to quit and stop on this run. I am not sure I managed to complete it.

Sunday 9/8/19: Easy Run

5-7 mile easy run

This one was harder than normal, which I figured it would be since I was doing it after my long run. A long run that really drained me. It did feel harder than normal, but it also felt good to run after that long run. 

There are my past two weeks in review! In two more weeks, I will be taking measurements! I have been doing pretty decently with my new diet. I have definitely limited my cheese and fried food! I have been able to stick close to my macronutrient goals. No matter what my measurements are. I am thinking I am going to change it up and increase my carbs and focus on maintenance (increase calories) to get prepared for my marathon. We shall see, but that is what I am leaning towards. I definitely want to ensure my body is fueled for that race.

"When running long distances, you develop an enormously strong body to endure the physical pain, and at the same time, you develop an enormously strong mind to endure the mental anguish."-Michael D'Aulerio

I finally truly and understood this quote. I suffered on my long run on Saturday. I was in so much pain physically and mentally. I wanted to quit and stop. It was torture. I had never felt that bad on one of my runs before. I really do not know how I managed it, but I kept going. I kept telling myself one more step. That I was almost there. I said the same things to myself that I tell my class. That you can do it and not to give up. Despite the physical pain, despite the mental struggles too. It was definitely an experience. Even when we want to give up and stop, we have it in ourselves to find a way to keep going. Hold on to that! Keep moving forward!

Until next time,


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