Marathon Training Week 22!

Good evening everyone! I hope you have all had a great week! Work just keeps getting busier! You know what helps? Running! I always feel less stressed after a run or workout. Running has become my solace. It is my getaway. Even though sometimes I feel like I am dying during my runs, I feel a sense of peace. There are a few things I forgot to mention last week. Since I got 1st for my age group for my half marathon a couple weeks ago, I won a free pair of running shoes! Yay! I used a promo code given for On Running! I also bought new shoes from Merrell with a gift card for coming in first for a local 5k a couple of months ago! Yay for new running shoes! I am going to be using the Merrell shoes for Tough Mudder in Nashville next week! I am super stoked about it! Since I will be out of town my post will either come a day late or I will not have a post for two weeks! I also meant to send you a screenshot of the new running paces from my half marathon results so here it is:

I am not sure if these are them exactly (somehow I still feel like my half marathon time was a fluke lol).

Now for my training week in review:

Week 22: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 9/23/19: Speed Work and Barre

2 mile warm up
2 x (1 mile at HM, 800m at 5k) with two minutes rest
2 mile warm down

My run felt pretty good this morning despite the fact that I did not sleep well the night before. I could not fall asleep, and I had to wake up earlier than normal, so I kept waking up checking the time. I ran my first warm up mile at 8:00min/mile and my second warm up mile at 7:45min/mile. I ran the Half Marathon pace (HM) at 6:44min/mile and the 5k pace at 6:03min/mile. I used my Fitbit to track the workout. I tried using the OrangeTheory app also that way I could compare them like I did with my long run last Saturday (used my running app and Fitbit), but the App kept crashing on me. My first warm down mile was 6:58min/mile and second warm down mile was 7:24min/mile.

Tuesday 9/24/19: OrangeTheory, Legs, and More Speed Work

I could not find my heart rate monitor, so I just used my Fitbit 😂. I am just not doing well with my OrangeTheory heart rate monitor 😂😂. I did not burn so much. I tried to work out hard, but it just was not happening.


5 sets:

Leg Press: 180lb
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Abductors: 100lb
Leg Extension: 130lb
 Leg Press: 180lb

I kept my weight lower because I knew I was potentially going to be running after strength training! I started at 12 reps for the 1st set, 14 reps for the 2nd set, 17 reps for the 3rd set, 20 reps for the 4th set, and 20 reps for the 5th set!

Speed Work:

6 x 800m
1 x 400m

At the end of the work day, my coworker told me about a group (I forgot what it was called) that get together at 6pm on Tuesdays and run! I decided to try to make it even though I knew my legs would be so tired. I am glad I did! It was hard, but so much fun. I really enjoyed it! I have not ran on a track in a long time. It felt harder than on the treadmill (even though the treadmill is not my favorite). I think it is because I had to keep my pace up myself (oh the convenience of the treadmill doing it for you). I stuck to the Yasso 800 pace of 3:05min/800m. I think I finished consistently under that at about 3:00min/800m. I did not time my 400m but I think it was about 1:24min/400m. I was dead for that one!

I am a bit crazy 😂. Three work outs was no joke!

Wednesday 9/25/19:  Easy Run

6 mile easy run

I had to wake up super early to run because I had to be at work earlier than normal to attend an oil and gas facility tour. It was a very long day, but it was also a fun day.

Thursday 9/26/19: OrangeTheory

I found my OrangeTheory heart monitor, well a coworker found it! Thank goodness! I was not feeling 100%. I was very tired, so I just did my best and what I could. I made it to the workout, so I was happy with my performance given the circumstances!

Friday 9/27/19: Rest

I was so tired when I woke up. Physically and mentally drained. I opted for a rest day since I was confident I needed to give my body some recovery time before my back-to-back of a long run followed by OrangeTheory.

Saturday 9/28/19: Long Run, OrangeTheory DriTri, and Barre

13 mile easy run

Sometimes I wonder why I do these things to myself, then I remember I like to push myself to see just what I am capable of. I figured if I could run 20 miles, I could run 13 miles and complete the OrangeTheory DriTri. I felt pretty decent during and after my run.

I knew the DriTri would not be the fastest I could potential complete it because of my long run, but I still wanted to attempt it tired as I was. I got first in the session I signed up for! It was really fun and an awesome experience. All of the support from the coaches, staff, and other members was amazing.

It pumped me up when I went to teach Barre class!

After teaching, I met my friend for lunch to have poke bowls! It was delicious!!!!!!

Sunday 9/22/19: Easy Run

8 miles easy

I woke up early and ran with my dad and older sister. They had a 7 mile run. When that was done, I just ran home for that last mile (ended up being a little bit more lol). It was nice to run with them! After, I had a massage! Yes, I had another massage! It felt really good and helped with my long run recovery. I am really trying to make it a part of my routine. I also have been foam rolling and stretching more than I used to. I still need to do more on that though!

This week was my first week of a mix of the MIND diet as well as a pescatarian diet. I did say I was not going to fully do the pescatarian aspect, so I did have some meat this week, but no poultry! I made hoisin shrimp, brown butter gemelli (still under a tablespoon of butter per day to stay within MIND diet), and corn and zucchini risotto. Deliciousness!!! I think I want to start making more shrimp. It was my first time making it, and I loved it. It was actually super easy! I am getting close to the recommended amount of servings of grains per day for the MIND diet, but not quite reaching it, so I need to make some adjustments for that. I have been doing well on minimizing the foods to limit. I do miss cheese 😢! I decided to go on the hunt for a cheese alternative that would hopefully help satisfy what has been greatly missed!

After work, I stopped by Trader Joe's and bought these bad boys. By themselves, I vote the Almond cheese as the cheese alternative I prefer. I still need to try them in recipes and see wha tI think then. More to come on that!

My calorie goals are still for cutting and I did way better this week than previous weeks (but not Monday...Monday was bad 😅 was bad too)! I also did way better meeting my macro goals.

Oh my goodness. Just three more weeks guys. I cannot believe it. I am definitely getting more and more nervous as the weeks pass 😱.

""Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be."-Khloe Kardashian

Fitness is about yourself. Being good to your body and mind. It's not about others (well, unless your in competitions, but that's besides the point). It's our own journey, and it's important to take a step back and be proud of wherever you are in the process, even if you relapse. Just continue to try and never give up!

Until next time,
<3 Ari <3


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