Week 17: Marathon Specific Training. Two More Months to go!
Good evening everyone! Today, I had a Harry Potter Marathon! I finished the Order of the Phoenix! I plan on watching the rest this weekend! I have come to the realization that my marathon is only 8 weeks away! I can't believe I have been training for 4 months. It is mind blowing to me! Time has really flown by. At the start of my training, I did not think I would be able to complete a marathon. It felt out of reach. Now, I feel like I can complete it. I still have miles to complete and a ways to go, but I have a new mindset towards it. I am hoping to have an even better and more confident mindset in the next 6 weeks before my taper-off period. With that, here is week 17 of training:
Week 17: Marathon Specific Training
Monday 8/19/19: Speedwork and Barre
Week 17: Marathon Specific Training
Monday 8/19/19: Speedwork and Barre
2 mile warm up
4 x (800m uphill at HMP, 60 seconds rest, 800m downhill at MP)
2 minutes rest between sets
2 mile warm down
I have been trying faster speeds with my paces and feeling better with them (they are still a challenge)! My marathon pace (MP) was 7:40min/mile and my half marathon pace (HMP) was 7:18min/mile. Warm up and warm down were 8:20min/mile. The seconds might be slightly off because I do not 100% remember the pace off of the treadmill.
Tuesday 8/20/19: OrangeTheory and Legs
4 sets:
Leg Press: 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 360lb
Seated Leg Curl: 40lb, 50lb, 50lb, 50lb
Leg Abductors: 100lb, 120lb, 130lb, 130lb
Leg Extension: 120lb, 140lb, 150lb, 150lb
Leg Press: 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 360lb
This week my reps for each set were 12, 14, 17, 17. I stayed at 17 this week. I felt like I could have gone up to 20 reps on the 4th set, but I did not want to over do it since I had a tougher long run scheduled this week.
Wednesday 8/21/19: Speed Work and Barre
5-7 mile easy run
Thursday 8/22/19: Rest
I had to get blood work done, and the only time I could do it was Thursday morning, so I skipped OrangeTheory. I also started a project management professional course, so I could not work out in the evenings. Due to this class, I am changing up my schedule a little. I plan on strength training in the mornings on Thursdays and doing OrangeTheory for lunch (this is also why Barre is now Mondays and Wednesdays in case I did not mention that previously). There was no class scheduled for lunch this Thursday, so I completely took a rest day. I was fine with it in preparation for my long run.
Friday 8/23/19: Easy Run and Yoga
2 mile warm up
4 mile Tempo at HMP
1 mile warm down
Warm up and warm down were ran at close to an average of 8:06min/mile. HMP was 7:08min/mile.
Saturday 8/24/19: Long Run and Barre
Marathon Simulation (on rolling hill course):
7-8 miles easy
7-8 miles at MP
1-2 miles easy
Marathon Simulation (on rolling hill course):
7-8 miles easy
7-8 miles at MP
1-2 miles easy
I was really nervous for this run. I have not done well on marathon simulation long runs. Due to this, my goal was to just run without stopping and see how I felt in comparison to the last 18 mile run.
I actually did really well. I was running marathon pace and decided to switch marathon pace and easy pace miles (MP miles first then easy pace miles).
As I continued to run, I decided to try to go as long as possible at MP. I ended up averaging my goal MP. I couldn't believe it. I was really proud of myself and so very happy. For the first time, I thought maybe just maybe I can accomplish my ultimate dream goal. We shall see how my first 20 mile long run goes when I get to it, but it was a nice thought to have. I tried gatorade energy chews and really liked them! I also tried a running belt for the first time! It was super helpful. I need to adjust the tightness a little, but even with the amount it was bouncing, it still felt comfortable! It made it way easier to take sips of water and with the chews. I was able to really focus on my form.
Sunday 8/25/19: Rest
Today, I walked, foam rolled, and stretched. I plan on making that routine for my rest days. I am also really focused on taking care of my left IT band. It was hurting after my 18 mile run. I don't want an injury to prevent been from completing the marathon.
I also took measurements today!
Measurements from 7/28/19:
Weight: 126.1lbs
Neck: 12in
Chest: 34in
Waist: 27.5in
Hip: 36.5in
Left Thigh: 21.5in
Right Thigh: 21.5in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13.25in
Left Bicep: 10.5in
Right Bicep: 10.5in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.5in
Wrist: 6.25in
Neck: 12in
Chest: 34in
Waist: 27.5in
Hip: 36.5in
Left Thigh: 21.5in
Right Thigh: 21.5in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13.25in
Left Bicep: 10.5in
Right Bicep: 10.5in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.5in
Wrist: 6.25in
Body Fat w/tape measurements: 26.59%
Body Fat w/caliper: 22.47%
-Abs: 20mm
-Suprailiac: 23mm
-Tricep: 15mm
-Thigh: 19mm
Average Body Fat: 24.48%
Today's Measurements:
Weight: 121.6lbs
Neck: 12in
Chest: 33in
Waist: 26.5in
Hip: 35in
Left Thigh: 21in
Right Thigh: 21in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13in
Left Bicep: 10.25in
Right Bicep: 10.25in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.375in
Wrist: 6.25in
Neck: 12in
Chest: 33in
Waist: 26.5in
Hip: 35in
Left Thigh: 21in
Right Thigh: 21in
Left Calf: 13in
Right Calf: 13in
Left Bicep: 10.25in
Right Bicep: 10.25in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.375in
Wrist: 6.25in
Body Fat w/tape measurements: 23.09%
Body Fat w/caliper: 20.6%
-Abs: 17mm
-Suprailiac: 19mm
-Tricep: 14mm
-Thigh: 19mm
Average Body Fat: 21.84%
I complete one of my goals! My average body fat percentage is in the Fit category! My next ultimate goal is 20% to be in the athlete body fat percentage category. I am not entirely sure if it's possible and will be my end goal, but for now it remains.
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Left: 7/28/19, Right: 8/25/19 |
I cried after measurements today. I am just so happy. I have worked really, really hard to get here. There have been so many bumps in the roads, times of feeling completely defeated, and times where I just wanted to give up. When you get into a plateau, when you feel like you are going backwards instead of forwards, its is so hard to not give up and to not let discouragement bring you down. When you find a way through that, the results come and the process repeats itself. It is worth it. I mentioned above that I have tried faster paces. I have also been messing with them because I have not been burning as many calories. This is in part not just because I have lost weight, but also because my fitness level has improved. Activity that used to put me at a higher heart rate, now puts meet at a lower one. To achieve the same burn, I have to raise my intensity. I know this is a good thing, but sometimes it's disheartening. To be working so hard and achieve less calories. Then, I remember what a good thing it is. Before, I wouldn't have even been able to done this level and now I can do more!
The MIND Diet
I wanted to give you more information about the MIND diet. A doctor developed it to help prevent Alzheimer's disease. It focuses on brain food, so things such as berries and nuts. It incorporates the mediterranean and DASH diets. When I heard about it, I immediately bought a book and read about it as well as looked up recipes. After doing so, I became really excited about it and felt like it was really doable. I got excited about it because it has been what I have been slowly going towards with my eating for my running. I also was excited about it because it does not eliminate food groups, but rather focuses on increasing the consumption of certain foods while lowering the consumption of others, which is definitely in line with how I operate.
Foods to Eat:
Green, Leafy Vegetables
The goal is 6 or more servings per week. Serving size being 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked. Leafy greens are high in nutrients. Since I love salads, it is easy to incorporate at least 6 servings a week.
All Other Vegetables
The goal is one serving a day with 1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked.Veggies are also super easy to add to salads!
Two or more savings per week is the goal and serving size is 1/2 cup raw or frozen.
Serving size is 1 oz and recommended five or more servings per week.
Olive Oil
Serving size is 1 tablespoon. Goal is to use as main cooking oil.
Whole Grains
Recommend servings of whole grains is 3 or more per day. I love whole grains! Serving size is 1 slice whole grain bread; 1/2 cup cooked brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, or other grain; 1/2 cup cooked whole grain pasta; 1 cup whole grain cereal; 8 inch whole grain tortilla; and 3 cups cooked popcorn.
Seafood is one of my favorites! I love it! I wish I lived next to the ocean to get fresh seafood all of the time! Serving size is 3 to 4 oz and recommended serving is one or more per week!
Beans and Legumes
Serving size is 1/2 cup cooked and recommended three or more servings per week.
Serving size is 3 to 4 oz and recommended servings of two or more per week.
Serving size is one glass and recommended once daily. If you don't drink wine, for whatever reason, you don't need to add it to your diet.
Food to Limit:
Red Meat
Serving size is 3 oz for women and 5 oz for men. Recommendation is to limit to three or less servings per week. Poultry generally tends to be my main protein of choice, so limiting red meat is not very difficult for me.
Butter and Margarine
Serving size is 1 tablespoon of butter and limit to one serving per day.
Serving size is 1 oz cheese and limit to one or less per week. This one is not as hard as I thought it was going to be. It is difficult because I love cheese, but not as difficult as I thought.
Fried Food
Serving size is one donut or one small order of fries. Limit to one or less per week. This makes it easier to say no when people bring donuts to work!
Pastries and Sweets
Serving size is one cookie, one piece of cake.pie, and one cupcake. Recommendation is to limit to no more than 4 or 5 servings per week.
Foods to avoid are trans fats, but we should avoid those anyways.
I love the flexibility with this diet. You have recommended servings and use that to develop your meal plan.
This week was my first week on it, and I'd say I did a pretty decent job. I still am meeting my calorie and macronutrient goals with this diet. Some days can be challenging, but it can be kind of fun to figure out. It is a definite balance between diet and exercise and figuring out what works best for you. What works for me does not necessarily mean it works for someone else. We have to get to know our bodies and figure out what works and what doesn't.
"Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey."-unknown
Fitness journeys whether they be weight loss, muscle gain, a combination, or any other journey are filled with stumbles. We make mistakes, but we learn from them. We try a diet, an exercise regiment, supplements, etc. and figure out what works and what doesn't. We get discouraged when things don't work, but we feel on top of the works when they do. The highs are greater than the lows. We can do this. One step at a time :)
Much love,
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