Week 14: New Personal Records!

Good evening everyone! I hope you are doing well! I am doing pretty good, although I am feeling a bit sick at the moment. Hopefully I am feeling A-OK by tomorrow morning for my speed work out! I finally finished the Chamber of Secrets! Yay! On to the Prisoner of Azkaban! I have not been able to get in as much reading time as I hoped. I have also been binge watch Jane the Virgin like a mad woman! This week, I definitely should have more reading time! Here is my training this past week! I hit a lot of new personal records! Let's see what those were πŸ˜ƒ!

Week 14: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 7/29/19: Speed Work

2 mile Warm Up
4 x 1 mile at 10k pace with 3 minutes rest
1-2 mile Warm Down

I am not a huge fan of mile repeats, but they are a great speed workout, that's for sure! Warm up and warm down were an 8:27min/mile pace. 10k pace was at 7:03min/mile. I did not get up early enough to get this work out in before work, so I went to the gym after work. Let me tell you, it was a whole new experience. I generally prefer running fasted (any cardio fasted). It has been awhile since I have done cardio after work. I tried to give myself 2-3 hours with not eating before, but I think I needed to give myself longer. I definitely had to run to the bathroom in the middle of my workout....which was also a new experience lol πŸ˜….

Tuesday 7/30/19: OrangeTheory, Legs, and Barre

Hit that splat point goal! My goal during OrangeTheory is to burn 400 calories even if I don't get the 12 splat points!


4 sets:

Floating Plate Leg Press: 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 360lb
Seated Leg Curl: 50lb
Leg Abductors: 90lb, 110lb, 130lb, 130lb
Leg Extension: 100lb, 130lb, 150lb, 150lb
Floating Plate Leg Press: 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 360lb

The first set was 12 reps, second set 14 reps, third set 17 reps, and fourth set was 20 reps for each exercise. I felt really good for this leg workout, so I went a little heavier than I had been. Even with the amount I'm running, it did not feel like too much. I am still not going heavy (which I really miss).

Wednesday 7/31/19: Aerobic Run

3-5 mile aerobic run

I did a 5 mile aerobic run at a 8:57min/mile.

Thursday 8/1/19: OrangeTheory, Upper Body, and Barre

4 sets (6 reps per set except where noted otherwise):

Incline Press: 140lb, 160lb, 180lb, 200lb (4 reps), 210lb (2 reps)
Seated Row: 100lb, 120lb, 140lb, 150lb
Shoulder Press Neutral Grip: 50lb, 70lb, 80lb, 90lb
Tricep Push Down: 40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb
Bicep Curl: 40lb curl bar, 50lb curl bar, 60lb curl bar, 70lb curl bar

I hit a bunch of new personal records during this workout! The incline press at 210lb for 2 reps, bicep curls with a 70lb curl bar for 6 reps, and seated row at 150lb for 6 reps! I was super excited and proud of myself when I realized how many new bests I got!

Friday 8/2/19: Tempo Run and Yoga

2 mile warm up
3 mile tempo at HMP
1 mile warm down

Warm up and warm down were ran at 8:27min/mile. Half marathon pace (HMP) was ran at 7:20min/mile. I felt pretty decent during my tempo run. A little tired, but still semi strong.

During my lunch hour, I went to yoga! It felt really great! It was more of a workout this week than last week! I was really hoping for more of a stretch session, but it ended up being exactly what I needed πŸ˜ƒ

Saturday 8/3/19: Long Run and Barre

Marathon Simulation on Rolling Hill Course:
6-8 miles easy 
6-8 miles at MP
2 miles easy

I never do well with the marathon simulation runs for some reason. Since today I was going for distance, I was not focused on meeting the easy and marathon (MP) paces. I just wanted to reach 18 miles without stopping. My goal was 10min/mile pace. I was really happy that I was able to accomplish that, even though it did not meet the marathon simulation.

These were my splits. Definitely not near my ultimate dream goal pace, but near my realistic goal pace. I would just need to keep it up for 8.2 miles, but there is still time for that! I I took clif shot gels every 60 minutes (about mile 7 and mile 14). I hydrated about every 40 minutes plus when I took gels. I felt pretty good. I think I timed the clip shots pretty well because I didn't gas out. I definitely slowed down at times, but did not hit a wall. This is the farthest distance I have ran, so a new personal record! 

Sunday 8/4/19: Rest

Today, I walked my dog to my brother's house, but I rested after that. I went to the store and made a bunch of new things! I got all of the below recipes from tasty (the pictures are also from tasty)!

The three above recipes were snack recipes I have been wanting to try. Next time, I plan to add stevia to the strawberry cream cheese recipe to give it some sweetness.

I am happy with how these ones turned out! The BBQ chicken is for dinner and the turkey pesto "quesadilla" is for lunch.

These two are for breakfast! I messed up on the blueberry croissant bake 😩. I accidentally added lemon extract instead of almond. Don't ask me how, it just happened! I ended up added more of the other ingredients (I didn't have enough to completely start over) to try to doctor it. It would have been amazing without that mishap, but next time it will turn out much better! For the egg white breakfast cups, I forgot tomatoes, so I used cheese instead.

It was actually really fun making all of this. I was slow since I hadn't made any of these before, so I didn't get all the chores I wanted to done, but I was proud of myself for actually making so many things!

This week, I did a little bit better meeting my calorie goals, still not where I need/want to be, but I did better. I did well meeting my macronutrient goals which are still at 50% carbs, 25% protein, and 25% fats. I might change them in a few weeks or wait a little bit longer. We shall see! I also continue to intermittent fast (14 hours). It has become a lot easier. It definitely helps ensure I don't late night snack (which was once a problem and definitely made go over calorie goals).

I feel like overall I had a decent week! I am super proud of all my new bests! Sometimes you don't notice your own progress and when you do, it gives you a whole new level of motivation!

"Sometimes I look back and realize things I used to struggle with are now part of my lifestyle."-gymaholic

This is so true. I was just thinking about how it used to be so hard for me to even go workout or even workout at home. How I started was home zumba workouts and then fitness bootcamp. Then, it was hard to watch how much I was eating. Then, hard to think about what I was eating. Then, getting up in the morning to workout was a struggle. Changing up my workouts has helped, but everything was a struggle. I still struggle with so many things, but workouts be it running or weightlifting or a different type of class have definitely become a part of my lifestyle. Missing a workout feels weird now. Even missing a morning workout is starting to feel weird. It starts as a struggle and maybe even it stays that way, but it at least becomes routine! Keep on struggling πŸ˜›!

Until next time,


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