Beginning of Marathon Specific Training (Yikes)!!!

Good evening you magical beauties! I am sorry for missing a post last week. The holiday weekend was just super busy, and I did not get a chance to write it up. I am here strong for my post this week! I am still journeying through Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (work and just life has been super busy and hectic so I haven't made much progress). I need to watch the third season of Stranger Things too!!! As well as catch up on the 100, the Flash, and Grey's Anatomy. One day I will set aside the whole day and just binge watch! Maybe next Sunday! Now that I have gotten into the Marathon specific training, the shorter end of my long runs is 13 miles. What am I getting myself into??? πŸ˜‚ I have been playing around with my paces the past two weeks during my runs and at OrangeTheory. I want to see what I can maintain without overexerting myself. I also just love to challenge myself, but again, I don't want to exhaust my body. It is a fine balance, just like determining the weight and reps on leg day. Anywho, here are my past two weeks in review!

Week 10: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 7/1/19: Speed Work

2 mile Warm Up
5 x 1200 at 10k pace with 3 minutes jog
2 mile Warm Down

Since I am playing around with my paces, my warm up and warm down were around 8:34min/mile. For the warm up, I started at 8:49min/mile and then slowly increase the pace to get closer to that 10k pace. My 10k pace was 6:58min/mile. 1200 meters is about 0.75 miles. 

Tuesday 7/2/19: OrangeTheory, Legs, and Barre

4 sets:

Leg Press Wide Stance: 180lb
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Adductor: 90lb
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Press Narrow Stance: 180lb

My knee was bothering me so I went light with medium reps. Since my knee was bothering me, my trainer had me do seated leg curls twice instead of leg extension to put less pressure on my knee. Yes, this leg workout was light and way easy for me, but I did not want to take any unneccessary risks, especially with all my running. I want to train and improve, but keep my body as healthy as I can. Especially since it is easy to over work yourself and strain your body to the point of injuries. That much more so because it is my first time training for a marathon, so I am learning. Even so, I am still trying to be careful as I do so.

At OrangeTheory. I went really early in the morning since I was flexing at work so I couldn't go for lunch.

Wednesday 7/3/19: Aerobic Run

4-6 mile Aerobic Run

Since I am playing around with paces, I did this aerobic run at about 9:30min/mile. While doing my runs, I have been really paying attention to my heartrate and heartrate zones to make sure I am in the right one. I am trying to increase pace yes, but I am also trying to do so without overexhausting myself.

Thursday 7/4/19: OrangeTheory and Upper Body

Happy Fourth of July!!! Yes, it was a holiday. And yes, I worked out twice! I went to OrangeTheory. I had a pretty good session. The coaches were dressed up and made class really fun! I got 30 splat points and burned 594 calories. It was a good one!

After OrangeTheory, I went to my gym and did complete upper body.

4 sets:

Incline Press: 50lb, 60lb, 70lb, 80lb
Seated Row: 90lb, 110lb, 120lb, 130lb
Shoulder Press: 30lb, 40lb, 50lb, 60lb
Tricep Pushdown: 40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb
Hammer Curl: 12lb dumbbells, 15lb, 20lb, 25lb

The first set was 8 reps each exercise and rest of the sets were 6 reps each exercise. The one exception was the Tricep cable pushdown, 4 reps on the last set for that one.

I did not have Barre class. I gave my crew a break. Besides, I was having a barbeque, and needed time to get everything ready and there was no way I was going to be able to teach after stuffing my face (I mean look at all that yummy food)!

Friday 7/5/19: Long Run

3 mile Warm Up
3 x (2 miles at MP/ 2 miles easy)

This was my second 15 mile run. My first one, I had to stop a few times, was left with blisters, and black toenails. This time, I did it without stopping, I felt so much better, no new black toenails or blisters, and I did it faster! My average pace was about 24 secs faster and the last time I ran this was 6/7/19, so about a month!

If you look at my splits, I was pretty close to the 2 miles at Marathon Pace (MP-7:45min/mile) and easy pace (8:50min/mile). I was a little slow on some of the MP and a little fast on some of the easy pace, but overall I kept to it better than I expected! (I was not trying to mess with my easy pace on this long run πŸ˜‚)

Saturday 07/6/19: Easy Run and Barre

4-5 mile Easy Run

I did this easy mile run at about an 8:34min/mile. Then, I taught Barre! I love my Barre crew! They kick ass, especially after that holiday!

Sunday 7/7/19: Rest

I slept in late (running gets you tired)! Then, I went to watch Spiderman Far From Home. I liked it! I did not do yoga or stretch. I know, I know. I really need to do better about incorporating that. They are both really important. It will happen!

Week 11: Marathon Specific Training

Monday 7/8/19: Speed Work

2 mile Warm Up
8 x (400m uphill at 10k Pace, 45 seconds rest, 400m downhill at MP)
90 seconds rest between sets
2 mile Warm Down

Warm up and warm down were done at an 8:27min/mile pace. For warm up, I start at 8:41min/mile and steadily increased it. For warm down, I steadily decreased it back down to 8:27min/mile. Still playing around with those paces. 10k pace was ran at 6:58min/mile and MP was ran at 7:41min/mile.

Tuesday 7/9/19: OrangeTheory, Legs, and Barre

4 sets:

Leg Press Wide Stance: 180lb
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Adductor: 90lb, 110lb, 110lb, 120lb
Leg Extension: 100lb, 120lb, 130lb, 140lb
Leg Press Narrow Stance: 180lb

Reps started at 12 for each exercise then increased each set to 14 reps, 17 reps, and 17 reps. This was still a pretty easy workout, but I am trying to take it easy with my knee. My trainer also got on me last week about supplements since I hadn't been taking any, but I started on Monday 7/8/19. I am taking a women's daily multivitamin, omega-3-6-9, and gluc...something for my joints. Hopefully, it will all help and keep my body moving!

Wednesday 7/10/19: Easy Run

4-5 miles easy

Easy pace was ran at 8:27min/mile and I did 5 miles. Generally, when there are ranges I try to to the higher end of them. I know you don't have to stick to the training plan to a T, but I try. I also like pushing myself, but I do taper off when I start feeling it in my body (like how I've been taking easy on leg days).

Thursday 7/11/19: Orange Theory, Upper Body, and Barre

4 sets:

Chest Press: 90lb, 1200lb, 140lb, 180lb, 200lb
Seated Row: 90lb, 110lb, 120lb, 130lb
Chest Press: 90lb, 120lb, 140lb, 180lb

Reps started at 10 for each exercised and decreased with each set as weight increased so they were 8 reps, 6 reps, and 4 reps. However, seated rows remained at 6 reps for the last set. I did a "5th set" with just one round on the chest press for 200lb. I did 2 reps and with that hit a new personal record (although doing 180lb was a personal record, so I guess I hit two new ones πŸ˜‚)!

Oh my goodness, abs killed me today. I think leg raises are hard enough, but my trainer had me hold a bar up as I did so!

OrangeTheory was awesome! I got the most splat points I've ever gotten in class and burned the most calories! I pushed myself really hard, and it kicked my butt! I like being able to see my heart rate and not let myself slack.

 I love teaching Barre! I really do. I have been able to see so much progress. Seeing people do a move that they once couldn't, I don't know how to describe that feeling. Seeing them see the progress in themselves, it's just an amazing feeling. They have gotten there through their own hard work and determination. I am so proud and beyond honored to be a small part in their journey. I'm just a guide, they're the one taking those steps!

Friday 7/12/19: Tempo Run and Yoga

1.5 miles easy
4 miles at HMP
1.5 miles easy

My easy pace was 8:27min/mile and Half Marathon Pace (HMP) was 7:19min/mile. This run kicked my butt that's for sure!

I also went to yoga for lunch, and it felt great!

Saturday 7/13/19: Long Run and Barre

Marathon Simulation (on rolling hill course):
6-7 miles easy
6 miles at MP
2 miles easy

I never do well on the marathon simulation runs. I was a little slower. I think it was due to a multitude of factors. 1) Increasing my paces during the week 2) Potentially overdoing it at OrangeTheory 3) Messing with my easy pace during the long run 4) It was hot. I am going to have to get up earlier πŸ˜– 5) I also used a food gel (which I have used before but it's been awhile) and took sips of water more often. I think all of this had impacts on my run.

Sunday 7/14/19: Rest

I failed to do yoga today, but at least I did it on Friday! I did soak in some epsom salt though! I am so excited! I had a consultation for my next tattoo, and I cannot wait to get it! Today, I mostly relaxed and failed to do errands πŸ˜‚. I weighed in at 127lb today. Two more weeks and I'll have new measurements and progress photos! I have not been doing the greatest with my nutrition these passed two weeks. Both in meeting my macronutrients and calorie goals. I am determined to do better these next two weeks, but we shall see!

"Appreciate where you are in your journey, even if it's not where you want to be. Every season serves a purpose."-unknown

I am not where I want to be, but I have to remind myself I am so far from where I started. I have come a long way. I have hit many road block and plateaus, but I have continued on. Even when making no progress and even negative progress. Be proud of where you are. Be proud of what you've done. Be proud of continuing to try, continuing to do your best. Some days are harder than others. Some days we aren't motivated. Some days we slack. That's okay. We just need to keep moving forward and continue to try and continue to learn.

Lots of love,


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