Week 9: End of Half Marathon Specific Training

Good evening wizarding and non-wizarding folk. I re-read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! When I first read the books, I started with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. My sister told me she didn't think I would be able to finish it before the movie was released. I finished it and then re-read the first three before the Goblet of Fire movie was released. I was super proud of myself. Now, onto book 2! Well, onto my training for this week!

Week 9: Last Week of Half Marathon Specific Training

Monday 6/24/19: Speed Work

2 mile Warm Up
6 x (400m uphill at 10k Pace, 45 seconds rest, 400m downhill at MP)
90 seconds rest between sets
2 mile Warm Down

Warm up and warm down were done at an 8:50min/mile pace. For warm up, I start at 8:50min/mile and steadily increase it. For warm down, I steadily decrease it back down to 8:50min/mile.

Tuesday 6/25/19: Legs and Barre

4 sets:

Leg Press Wide Stance: 180lb, 235lb, 270lb, 270lb
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb all sets
Leg Adductor: 90lb, 100lb, 110lb, 120lb
Leg Extension: 110lb, 120lb, 130lb, 140lb
Leg Press Narrow Stance: 180lb, 235lb, 270lb, 270lb

The first set was 12 reps, second set 14 reps, third set 17 reps, and fourth set 17 reps. My trainer and I are trying to find a balance. We don't want to overwork my legs, but we also don't want it to be too easy for me. I also know I don't want it to be difficult. It is a challenge since I love and am used to pushing myself, but I'm focused on running right now so I have to keep reminding myself of that.

I did not get to go to OrangeTheory today 😒. There was not class for lunch time. For Barre, I changed things up a bit! I love trying new things in class and seeing if they work. I think it also helps keep it new and fun. I am working on new music playlists and want to try different themes and see how they work? Any ideas??? If so, please let me know! I'd love to hear what you think!

Wednesday 6/26/19: Tempo Run

1.5 miles easy
4 miles at HMP
1.5 miles easy

Easy pace was ran at 8:50min/mile and the Half Marathon Pace was 7:25min/mile. I think I am going to try increasing those paces by a few seconds and see how that goes and how I feel.

Thursday 6/27/19: Orange Theory, Upper Body, and Barre

4 sets:

Incline Press Pronated Grip: 60lb, 70lb, 80lb, 90lb
Seated Row Vertical Grip: 100lb, 100lb, 120lb, 130lb
Incline Press Neutral Grip: 60lb, 70lb, 80lb, 90lb

With each set, weight increased as reps decreased. The reps were 10 for the first, 8 for the second, 6 for the third, and 4 for the fourth set.

OrangeTheory was awesome! I got more than 12 splat points! I pushed myself really hard. I like being able to see my heart rate and how hard I am working. It's also nice to push myself and not let myself slack. Even when I don't get those 12 splat points, I know I pushed myself and did my best for that session. I love teaching Barre. I love seeing people work hard and seeing their own progress.

Friday 6/28/19: Easy Run

4-5 mile easy run

I ran 5 miles at an 8:50min/mile pace.

Saturday 6/29/19: Long Run and Barre

12-13 mile Aerobic Long Run

Today, my long run was an aerobic pace so I ran I tried to run it at 10min/mile. I averaged about 9:14min/mile. After my run, I re-looked at my long run pace, and it said between 8:50min-9:58min/mile, so I did what I was supposed to. I also kept checking my heart rate to check that it was between 70-75% of my max heart rate.

I taught Bare after my run. I am enjoying adding the third class. It's something I really enjoy!

Sunday 6/30/19: Rest

I was so lazy today! I also ate way too much, but that's okay. I have been slacking on doing yoga, but I will get to work on that. It's also been two weeks since my last weigh in. Today, I took photos and measurements. I know originally I was going to wait until two more weeks, but this upcoming week I am getting into the marathon specific training, so I am upping my macros to 50% Carbs, 25% Protein, and 25% Fats.


Weight: 128.6lbs
Neck: 12in
Chest: 34.25in
Waist: 28in
Hip: 37in
Left Thigh: 22.15in
Right Thigh: 22.25in
Left Calf: 13.25in
Right Calf: 13.5in
Left Bicep: 10.5in
Right Bicep: 10.5in
Left Forearm: 9.25in
Right Forearm: 9.5in
Wrist: 6.25in

Body Fat w/tape measurements: 27.94%
Body Fat w/caliper: 23.84%
-Abs: 22mm
-Suprailiac: 27mm
-Tricep: 15mm
-Thigh: 19mm

Average Body Fat: 25.89%

I've made progress yay! I'm hoping I will be able to continue making progress with the macronutrient change. Increasing the carbs is important for how much running I'm doing. I'm doing it slowly to see how I feel and affects me. I will re-evaluate after two weeks or four weeks or both to see how it's going.

"Let's wake up super early and go run super far"-psychopaths

I do love running, but I am looking forward to when it gets cooler so I don't have to wake up as early!

Lots of love,


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