Week 7: 6-Week Half Marathon Phase Continued

Good evening magic folk (we're all filled with magic)! How was your week? Mine was great! Despite being sick, I still managed to hit the gym and be productive at work. Plus, I went to my friend's wedding! 😄 I woke up super early this week to go to the gym before work in the mornings. I went in earlier and stayed later to be able to take off for her wedding. It was worth it!

Monday 6/3/19: Speed Work

2 mile Warm Up
5 x 1k at 10k pace with 2 minutes rest
2 mile Warm Down

The warm up and warm down were ran at an 8:50min/mile pace. For the 10k pace, I ran at 7:05min/mile.

Tuesday 6/4/19: Leg Day

4 sets:

Leg Press Wide: 180lb plus rack
Laying Leg Curl: 40lb
Abductors: 90lb, 100lb, 100lb, 110lb
Leg Extensions: Plate 11, 11, 13, 15

For the first set number of reps was 17, the second set was 20, third set was 23, and the fourth set was 25. 

I also taught a super awesome Barre class if I do say so myself. I tried out a couple of new things, and they went really well 😊! I try to incorporate new moves to prevent class from getting boring or being the same over and over. I really want to get resistance bands and other props for the class too. I think it would allow for so much more variation keeping it fun and my clients working!

Wednesday 6/5/19 (Happy National Running Day!): Tempo Run

2 mile warm up
4 mile at HMP
1 mile warm down

The warm up and warm down were ran at a 8:50min/mile. The Half Marathon Pace (HMP) was ran at 7:25min/mile. Boy, was I feeling it. Being sick really impacts your ability when it comes to exercise and well anything really. I forget that sometimes. That warm up was no joke for me today when it is normally not as hard. Today, it was super difficult for me, but I got through it. I also discovered it was National Running Day! Yay! 😊

Thursday 6/6/19: Arms and Shoulders

4 sets:

Side Lateral Raises
Front Raises
Rear Lateral Raises
Tricep Extensions
Bicep Curls

I used 10lb dumbbells. The first set was 12 reps, second set was 14 reps, third set was 17 reps, and the fourth set was 20 reps. For abs, I did leg raises on a decline bench, but it was a bigger decline than normal! I felt it lol!

Friday 6/7/19: Long Run 

The run was supposed to be:

5-6 miles at easy pace
6-7 miles at MP
2 miles at easy pace

My goal was to just complete the run and get the mileage at a long run pace (10 min/mile).

I ended up doing 15 miles at about an easy pace of an average of 8:45min/mile. It was so hard, but I did it! I have been having doubts of whether or not I will be able to do this, to actually run a marathon. That distance is still so daunting, but I just need to remind myself that I'm in the beginning of training for it. I have 4 and a half months to get there. I just need to focus on doing my best now and each workout and the results will show. After this run, I was able to walk normal! I will never again just up and go run a 10 mile race when I have not been training 😂. Lesson learned. This is the longest I've ever ran! This run also resulted in a not so fun factor. I have been trying to get my shoes and socks right to prevent blisters and keep my feet from hurting. After my longer runs, my feet have not been hurting (yay), and my blisters have lessened. I still get them, but it had been better. However, after this run, I got a black toe nail 😩, which it from a blister under my toe nail, and it looks like I'm going to lose it (it lifted). Sorry if this is TMI and gross, but I gotta share all I am learning! It seems to be common amongst runners, especially for marathoners. I think I am going to look at shoes again. I need to look at ones that are a half size bigger, that will help prevent blisters and losing toe nails hopefully.

Saturday 6/8/19-Sunday 6/9/19: Rest

Two rest days! I rearranged the training plan a little to have both rest days over the weekend because I was out of town for my friend's wedding! I had wedding duties to attend to on Saturday! It was a beautiful wedding and super fun weekend 💚! Then, I traveled back home today.

I forgot to mention this last week, and I meant to. I keep my trainer posted on the mileage I think I am going to run each week based on my training plan. He told me, between 20-30 miles a week, we won't change it up too much, but will keep it moderate weight and medium reps for leg day. Upper body won't really be changing much. Once I get into higher image weeks (over 30 miles per week), we are going to do lighter weight and high reps. We will also do less machine work.

I have been doing pretty decently hitting my macronutrients this week. It makes me feel pretty awesome because I'm realizing I can do it. I am more aware and am making more conscious decisions about what I eat. I am not really restricting myself, but I just either adjust what I'm eating or simply say no (I said no to cake this week! It was miraculous lol). Intermittent fasting is still going strong. It's not really that difficult anymore. It's mostly at 14 hours, but occasionally, I'll have moments where I just make it to 12 or 13 hours, which I am definitely okay with! Next week, I plan on providing measurements and photos! Stay tuned!

"Running teaches us to keep moving forward, one step at a time, especially in the most painful moments."-unknown

Until next time,


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