Start of 6-Week Half Marathon Phase

Good evening everyone! Sorry I missed last week! It was a super busy weekend followed by a super busy, hectic and stressful week! I hope you all had a wonderful and fun memorial day weekend! Mine was jam packed! On the Friday before Memorial Day, I met friends that I hadn't seen in quite some time for dinner. That Saturday, I went to a BBQ at my Nina's house. It was a ton of fun. That Sunday, I met my friend for brunch and then in the evening had a graduation party to go to!

Wine Festival Fun
On Memorial Day, I went to a wine festival! It was tons of fun. I love wine! My weekend was super busy, but it was also a ton of fun. This week work was super busy, hectic, and stressful, but I got through it! I was worried I was going to need a time-turner to keep up with work like Hermione needed for her coursework! This weekend was much more relaxing. I got my nails done and mostly just relaxed and did errands. I needed a break if I'm honest. I have been so exhausted. Here are my past two weeks in review for workouts!

Week 4-Beginning of 6-week Half Marathon Phase: 

Monday 5/20/19: Speedwork
2 mile warm up
4 x 1k at 10k pace with 2 minutes rest
2 mile warm down

Tuesday 5/21/19: Barre and Sauna

Normally on Tuesdays, I strength train, but my trainer reschedule on me! I spent some time in the sauna at my gym before and after I taught Barre!

Wednesday 5/22/19: Easy Run and Strength Training

5 miles easy run

Ran the easy run at a 9min/mile pace


4 sets for 12 reps:

Leg Press Wide: 180lb, 270lb, 270lb, 270lb
Laying Leg Curl: 40lb, 40lb, 50lb, 60lb
Abductor: 90lb, 100lb, 110lb, 120lb
Leg Extension toes pointed out: Plate 10, 12, 14, 15
Leg Press Narrow: 180lb, 270lb, 270lb, 270lb

For leg extension, toes were pointed out to focus on teardrop.

Thursday 5/23/19: Strength Training and Barre

Chest and Back-4 sets

Chest Press: 140lb for 10 reps
Row: 100lb for 10 reps
Chest Press: 140lb for 10 reps
Hyper Extension: 17 reps

I think I did a pyramid and increased the weight as I decreased the reps, but I did not finish writing it down and do not remember entirely what weight was used πŸ˜“

Friday 5/24/19: Tempo Run

2 mile warm up
3  3 miles at MP with 2-3 minutes rest
1 mile warm down

Warm up and warm down pace were 9min/mile. I did Marathon Pace (MP) at a goal pace of 7:45min/mile.

Saturday 5/25/19: Easy Run

4 miles easy

Easy pace was done at 9min/mile. I did yoga from P90x.

Sunday 5/26/19: Rest

Although this is supposed to be my rest day, I went on an easy 3 mile run with my daddy! He is training to run a 5k, and I am super excited for him!

Week 5-Half Marathon Phase

Monday 5/27/19: Speedwork 

2 mile warmup
6 x (300m uphill at 10k pace, 30 seconds rest, 300m downhill at MP)
90 seconds rest between sets
2 mile warm down

Warm up and warm down pace were 9min/mile. I did a 10k pace as 7:15min/mile. However, I was not sure how to figure out what I should run for those.

Tuesday 5/28/19: Barre and Cross Training

I went into the sauna before class Then, I taught my class for free since it was about to be a holiday weekend! It was tons of fun.

My trainer had to reschedule on me again so after Barre, I got roped into doing this super hard and intense HIIT workout. Worked with weights and body weight and cardio. It was really hard, but I loved it. I love pushing myself like that.

Wednesday 5/29/19: Easy Run

5 miles easy run

Easy run was done at 8:50min/mile pace. I have been trying to determine what my paces should be. I found this website that said this should be my easy pace, but I will keep researching and just see how I feel.


4 set of 17 reps:

Wide Leg Press: 180lb
Laying Leg Curl: 40lb
Abductors: 90lb, 100lb, 110lb, 120lb
Leg Extension: Plate 11, 12, 13, 14
Leg Press Narrow: 180lb

Thursday 5/30/19: Barre and Strength Training

I was super sore from leg day and the HIIT workout from Tuesday, so I was barely able to demonstrate the exercises for my clients, but I did it!


4 sets of 12 reps:

Beast Bar Middle Grip: just bar
Seated Middle Row Overhand Grip: 90lb
Beast Bar Narrow Grip: just bar
Seated Row Vertical Grip: 90lb
Beast Bar Wide Grip: just bar
Abs-Leg Raises while holding bar straight up: 20, reps, 25 reps, 25 reps, 30 reps

The leg raise holding the bar up was a new experience! It was hard but fun.

Friday 5/31/19: Tempo Run

1 mile easy run
4 miles at HMP
1 mile easy

Easy run pace was at 8:50min/mile. Half Marathon Pace (HMP) was done at 7:25min/mile.

In the evening, I went on a 2.75 mile run with my dad!

Saturday 6/1/19: Long Run

8 miles (was supposed to be 12)

 I averaged at about an 8:30min/mile pace. I think from what I researched that my long run pace should be between 8:50-9:58min/mile. I was jut so tired and exhausted that I couldn't finish. I feel like I should be able to run 12 miles nonstop at a faster pace because I have done it before. I felt really down and wondered if I will even be able to get to a place to be able to run a marathon. I am often really hard on myself. I think I have just been pushing my body too much without allowing it time to rest. I also think I have been failing to factor in those additional runs with my dad. Even if they are at slower paces, the miles still add up. I have also been pushing myself pretty hard during the week. I had originally planned to do another 4 mile run later in the afternoon/evening to total 12 miles, but I was so exhausted and I slept all afternoon. I realized, I just needed to give my body time to recuperate. Since this week was super stressful, I did not get very much sleep, which also factored in to it. I think all this stress, exhaustion, and lack of rest adds up. It showed in my long run.

Sunday 6/2/19: Rest

I did rest finally. I just did the p90x stretch video, which was very much needed. I also took measurements.


Since it has been awhile since I have taken measurements, I am counting this as a new start. I plan on taking measurements at least once a month. Pictures every two weeks or once a month and weight once a week.

Weight: 130.7lbs
Neck: 12in
Chest: 33.25in
Waist: 28.25in
Hip: 34 in
Left Thigh: 22.25in
Right Thigh: 23in
Left Calf: 13.25in
Right Calf: 13.5in
Left Bicep: 11in
Right Bicep: 11in
Left Forearm: 9.5in
Right Forearm: 9.5in
Wrist: 6.25in
Body Fat w/tape measurements: 25%
Body Fat w/caliper: 26.2%
-Abs: 27mm
-Suprailiac: 29mm
-Tricep: 18mm
-Thigh: 20mm
Average Body Fat: 25.6%

I started my new meal plan 5/20. The first week I did okay during the week, but come the long weekend I did not come close to my macro or calorie goals. This second week of meeting calorie and macronutrient goals has gone way better. Now, I have a starting point for measurements. I will retake them in two weeks (since I was originally supposed to have them two weeks ago) and do it once every 4 weeks after that! Once I get into logging more mileage per week, I will potentially change up my macro nutrient goals again, We shall see. I also want to lower my body fat percentage. My goal is an average of 20% Body Fat between the two used above. I have a ways to go with where I want to be, but I have come so far and am so proud of that.

"Don't feel guilty if you're not doing your best today. The goal is to consistently aim to do your best."-unknown

I really had to remember this after yesterday's run. I love pushing myself and trying to do better, but I do struggle. I've been struggling. I am trying to find my balance. Yes, I want to reach new heights, but I do not want to overwhelm myself either. This week was a reminder of that. Rest is important, and I have not giving my body enough rest with my training. Also, I just did not sleep this week and was stressed so that impacted me too. With ever struggle, we learn. It's a process full of ups and downs and so much learning.

Until next time,


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