Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! I hope you father's all had a great day! I hope you felt loved and appreciated because you are! How was everyone's week? Mine was pretty awesome! Work was really good. We had a retreat one day this week and learned a lot about each other. It was really fun. I feel really lucky and happy to be working with some amazing people. This weekend was another busy one, but still super fun. Today, my family and I went out to eat and then did an escape room! Tons of fun! Anyways, here's my week in review for workouts!

Monday 6/10/19: Speed work

2 mile Warm Up
6 x (300m uphill at 10k Pace, 45 seconds rest, 300m downhill at MP)
90 seconds rest between sets
2 mile Warm Down

Warm up and warm down were done at an 8:40min/mile pace. I did 7:05min/mile for the 10k pace and 7:45min/mile for the Marathon Pace (MP). I rested 60 seconds in between sets.

Tuesday 6/11/19: Legs

4 sets:

Leg Press Wide: 180lb plus rack
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Extension: Plate 10
Seated Leg Curl: 45lb
Leg Press Narrow: 180lb plus rack

15 reps were completed for all exercises and reps

Since I was supposed to have higher mileage this week, instead of going up in reps or weight, it was kept at the same.

Wednesday 6/12/19: 

4-6 mile Aerobic Run

This week I learned that Aerobic runs should be at the pace of long runs! I had no idea! That is definitely my bad for not looking this up sooner. I was so focused on determining the 10k and other training paces, I just kept forgetting about this one. It makes sense too, since the long run days are generally the runs that have Aerobic run listed and during the week it is generally the easy run. Before for the aerobic runs during the week, I just did an easy run pace. On my long run days, I hadn't been focused on what the pace was, just the mileage I was supposed to get to. Live and learn, live and learn. Boy, am I learning. This has probably definitely contribute to my tiredness and underwhelming performance on some of my long runs. Definitely factored into me working too hard and not giving my body the time to recover and just benefit from all of the training. Now, I know and I think (hope) it will help improve my training and performance. Training for this marathon is no joke! I love all that I am learning though!

Thursday 6/13/19: Upper Body

4 sets:

Beast Bar Middle Grip: 12 reps, 14, 17, 17
Bicep Curl (12lb dumbbells): 14 reps, 17, 20, 20
Beast Bar Diagonal Grip: 12 reps, 14, 17, 17
Hammer Curl (12lb dumbbells): 14 reps, 17, 20, 20
Beast Bar Wide: 12 reps, 14, 17, 17

That beast bar is no joke. Halfway through it makes me feel like a weakling, but I do love the challenge of it!

Friday 6/14/19: 

4-6 mile Easy Run

Easy run was ran at an 8 min 50 sec per mile.

Saturday 6/15/19: 5k Race

Supposed to have been:
2 mile Warm Up
3 x 3 miles at MP with 2-3 minutes rest
2 mile Warm Down

Today, I did a 5k! My pace was 7 minutes 53 seconds per mile. I'm more used to running for longer distance now lol, but it was really fun! My dad and older sister ran it as well! I am so proud of them! They did awesome. Later in the evening, I had planned to complete the above workout, but instead of 3 x 3 miles, do 2 x 3 miles, since I had already ran, and wanted to keep the same mileage for the day. However, I had taken my dog to the vet and then went to the baby shower and the store after that with my sister. Then, when I got home the weather wasn't great. I decided to wait a bit to see if it would clear up and end up falling asleep instead πŸ˜….

Sunday 6/16/19: Orange Theory

Today, I tried Orange Theory Fitness for the first time! I loved it! I think I need to add something different to my routine since I have been in a plateau for awhile, but I'll talk about that more later in the post!

Measurements 6/16/19:


Weight: 132lbs
Neck: 12.25in
Chest: 33in
Waist: 28.25in
Hip: 37in
Left Thigh: 22.75in
Right Thigh: 22.75in
Left Calf: 13.25in
Right Calf: 13.5in
Left Bicep: 11in
Right Bicep: 10.75in
Left Forearm: 9.5in
Right Forearm: 9.75in
Wrist: 6in

Body Fat w/tape measurements: 27.94%
Body Fat w/caliper: 25.62%
-Abs: 25mm
-Suprailiac: 29mm
-Tricep: 17mm
-Thigh: 20mm

Average Body Fat: 26.78%

So two weeks ago, I did the hip measurement wrong. That's why the tape measurement is higher today. With the same hip measurement for today, the tape body fat would have been 28.1% making the average 27.15%. Therefore, my body fat percentage weight down even though my weight went up. The scale doesn't account for everything. I know this, but it is good to see. I definitely should have been taking them sooner. I feel like I've been in this plateau for a few months. I am definitely excited to incorporate Orange Theory into my routine. I think changing it up is good, especially when you are feeling stuck. Trying new things can re-motivate you and be good for those muscles!

This week I did not do as well the latter half of the week meeting my macronutrient goals, but that's okay. I am still do way better than when I first started paying attention to macros!

"It's not the distance you must conquer in running, it's yourself."-Michael D'Aulerio

I think this is true in more than just running. It's true for all sports, activities, fitness journeys, and so much more. Let's conquer ourselves and achieve those goals, one step at a time! πŸ˜ƒπŸ’—

Much love,
πŸ’—Ari πŸ’š


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