Week 3: End of an Era (and Prep Phase)!

Good evening lovelies! Did you watch the series finale of Game of Thrones?!?! I can't believe it is over! It is crazy! It feels like the end of an era. At least there are still the books left! I had a super awesome week and weekend! Yesterday, I went to a crawfish boil which was really fun. Today, I did this essential oils wrap with my mom and sisters and watched Detective Pikachu and Game of Thrones! I enjoyed it all! I have kept up with my training plan and figured out my meal plan! Here's my week in review!

Monday 5/13/19: Run-Speed Work

2 mile warm up
6 x (200m uphill at 10k pace, 30 seconds rest, 200m downhill at MP)
2 mile warm down

I did the warm up and warm down at a 9 min/mile pace. For 10k pace I did 7 min 15 sec/mile and Marathon Pace (MP) at 8 min/mile.

Tuesday 5/14/19: Legs and HIIT

4 sets for 12 reps:
Squat Machine Wide: 140lb, 180lb, 220lb, 260lb
Lying Leg Curl: 40lb, 50lb, 50lb, 50lb
Abductors: 90lb, 110lb, 110lb, 110lb
Leg Extension: Plate 12, 13, 14, 15
Squat Machine Narrow:140lb, 180lb, 220lb, 240lb

It was great to be back teaching Barre after being gone the previous week. I really missed it and my clients!

I also stayed and did that HIIT class! It was total body focused. I really enjoyed it :)

Wednesday 5/15/19: Run

5 mile easy run

I ran this at a 9min/mile pace

Thursday 5/16/19: Chest/Back

4 sets:
Incline Chest Press: 80lb for 10 reps, 100lb for 8 reps, 120lb for 6 reps, 140lb for 6 reps
Lateral Pull Down: 60lb for 10 reps, 70lb for 8 reps, 80lb for 6 reps, 80lb for 6 reps 
Incline Chest Press: 80lb for 10 reps, 100lb for 8 reps, 120lb for 6 reps, 140lb for 6 reps
Seated Rows: 60lb for 10 reps, 70lb for 8 reps, 80lb for 6 reps, 80lb for 6 reps
Hyper Extensions: 17 reps

I had a new client attend Barre Class today! It was great! I love getting new people to come!

Friday 5/17/19: Run

5 mile easy run

I ran this at a 9min/mile pace

Saturday 5/18/19: Long Run

10 mile run at a 7min 40sec/mile pace.

Sunday 5/19/19: Stretch

Sundays are still my rest days! However, today I did more of an active rest by running at an easy pace with my dad! He is getting into running, and I am so proud and excited! He is going to run a 5k with me,and I can't wait! My older sister is going to as well! Yay! I also did the stretch from P90x. It felt great!

This week was the end of the 3-week Prep Phase in my training plan. I've noticed that I can actually walk after those long runs and feel fine later in the day as well as the next day. That is definitely different than when I just up and ran at that 10mile race. Training definitely helps! I bought new running shoes and socks. I am hoping they will work better for me. This week, I determined my macronutrients and planned my meals! It was actually kind of fun :) I did some reading and decided to start with:

1540 Calories
40% Carbs
30% Proteins
30% Fats

I am going to see how this goes and potentially increase the Carbs. Calories will change based on my weight and goals. Right now based on my workouts and losing weight, the Calories came out to about  1540 per day. Today, I weighed in at 132.7lbs. I accidently broke the tape measure, so I will get measurements next Sunday! I did take new progress pictures though!

I tried to hide my face. It was early! I will work on taking better pictures next week to go with the measurements! I won't break the tape measure next time!

I am definitely excited to start this meal plan and see how tracking macronutrients goes. I am determined to stick it through this time around and do better about tracking progress: photos, measurements, and so on. 

"You can have the best plan in mind, but execution is everything."-Unknown

I have a plan in mind, but it is time to execute it. I have not done well in executing meal plans before, but I am going to try again. I can do this! Time to get to work :)

Until next time,


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