New Training: Week 1

Good evening everyone! I hope your week was fantastic. Mine was pretty good. It felt like a long week. Work has been super hectic, especially since I am going to be out of the office almost all week, so I have been trying to make sure I will still be able to meet deadlines. It is busy, but I am really enjoying it. This weekend was pretty busy too, but fun. I went to the comic book shop with my brother and sister Saturday. I got some comics that I am super excited to read! Then, I went to get my nails done and have dinner with my friend! It was lots of fun! Today, I bought some super cute new shoes and cleaned. I also packed for my trip. Although I wouldn't call cleaning fun, it was a pretty productive weekend! Tonight, I walked my dog to my brother's house and my family and I watched Game of Thrones! It is a fun weekly thing!Here is my week in review for my workouts sort of incorporating my new training plan. Full implementation will happen starting next week:

Monday 4/29/19: Rest

I finally took a rest day! It had been two weeks. My sister made me laugh. She told me, "You rest? It's going to snow." πŸ˜‚

Tuesday 4/30/19: Cardio and Barre

30 minutes on the stairclimber. Fat burner workout on max level. Then, I taught class. It was a little less intense one, but there was still a burn!

Wednesday 5/1/19: Run, Chest, and Back

6 mile run on the treadmill. My chest and back routine was:

4 sets
Chest Press
Chest Press
Lateral Pull Down

For chest and back, I did a pyramid. I started with 10 reps. With every set, weight was increased (I am not sure what the weight was. I did start to write it in my phone, but it did not save 😩) and reps were decreased by 2.

Thursday 5/2/19: Cardio, Barre, and HIIT

30 minutes of cardio on the stairclimber. Fat burner workout on max level. With Barre, I increased the intensity from Tuesday and gave a bomb workout! The fire was there! After Barre, I went to that HIIT class. I love it! It continues to kick my butt! I want to try to go more than once a week, but we shall see if I can work it in. I love pushing myself and with this class I really do (well try to). 

Friday 5/3/19: Biceps, Triceps, and Shoulders

2 sets for 10 reps:
Alternating Shoulder Presses
In & Out Bicep Curls
Tricep Kickbacks

Deep Swimmer Presses
Full Supination Concentration Curls
Chair Dips

Upright Rows
Static Arm Curls
Flip-grip Tricep Kickbacks

Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys
Crouching Cohen Curls
Lying-down Tricep Extensions

In & Out Straight Arm Shoulder Flys
Congdon Curls
Side Tri-Rises

My weight ranged from 7.5lb dumbbells to 15lb dumbbells depending on the exercise. I did not keep track of what weight I used. Total fail 😞. This is a routine from P90X (so I definitely should have been keeping better track of the weights I used for each exercise). Next time I will (I know I keep saying that, but it will happen)! I did two sets of three exercises at a time (how they are grouped in threes above). After, I did 15 minutes of cardio on the arctrainer. I was supposed to run Thursday but didn't. Then, I was going to run  Friday, but I was not feeling it at all, but at least I still did some sort of cardio! I also weighed in at 132lb. I have been sitting in the 130-135lb range for awhile. I'd like to be sitting in the 125lb-130lb range.

Saturday 5/4/19: Run, Calves, and Abs

5 mile run. Then, worked my calves an abs!

4 sets, 10 reps:
Donkey Calf Raises: no weight, 45lb, 90lb, 90lb
Standing Calf Raises with Smith Machine: 115lb, 160lb
Seated Calf Raises: 70lb
Knee Tucks: one 5lb dumbbell
Leg Raises: one 5lb dumbbell

Sunday 5/5/19: Run and Legs

4 sets:
Leg Press Wide: 180lbs plus rack
Lying Leg Curl: 40lbs
Abductors: 100lbs
Leg Extension: Plate 12
Leg Press Narrow: 180lbs plus rack

First set 12 reps, second set 14 reps, third set 17 reps, and fourth set 20 reps. 

I really need to work on my eating habits. I am not meeting my calorie goals as often as I should. I also really need to focus on what I am eating. I really want to reduce my candy and chocolate intake. It gets hard because a coworker keeps a bowl of chocolate and chocolate chip cookies, which are so hard to resist. I need to do better about resisting. I also really need to do better on the weekends. Friday-Sunday I tend to do so much worse. Any tips on getting it together on the weekends? I would greatly appreciate it. I am doing pretty good on my water intake and intermittent fasting. I definitely think it is time for me to really focus on what I'm eating. Abs are made in the kitchen right? I still have tons of work to do, but I will get there. It's not a race, and I want to create habits and routines I can maintain. 

Let's talk about running. Oh my goodness. I had mostly only been running once a week for long runs. Taking those couple of weeks off from running and adding in more running days definitely took its toll. I definitely found it more difficult. I was supposed to run 4 times this week, but only managed 3 days this week. My goal is 4 days a week of running and two days of strength training with one day a week for rest. I am definitely going to be needing that weekly rest day! I will get progress pictures happening more frequently again soon. I plan on starting on taking measurements, but actually sticking to it. I want to pay attention to body fat percentage now, especially since I keep staying in the 130-135lb range (since weight isn't everything and something I'm still learning and not trying to completely focus on, but it's hard not too 😣). Struggling is a part of learning and of this journey. Just have to stay determined, consistent, and keep on trekking. 

"Don't ever give up. Don't let frustration knock you down. Don't let fear stand in your way. Don't let time get in your head. Who cares how long it takes or how many times you try. Your only competition is yourself. And when you finally succeed, the struggle will all be worth it."-Unknown

The struggle is real, but it is worth it. We can do it πŸ’š. You got this!

Until next time,


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