Week 3: End of an Era (and Prep Phase)!

Good evening lovelies! Did you watch the series finale of Game of Thrones?!?! I can't believe it is over! It is crazy! It feels like the end of an era. At least there are still the books left! I had a super awesome week and weekend! Yesterday, I went to a crawfish boil which was really fun. Today, I did this essential oils wrap with my mom and sisters and watched Detective Pikachu and Game of Thrones! I enjoyed it all! I have kept up with my training plan and figured out my meal plan! Here's my week in review! Monday 5/13/19: Run-Speed Work 2 mile warm up 6 x (200m uphill at 10k pace, 30 seconds rest, 200m downhill at MP) 2 mile warm down I did the warm up and warm down at a 9 min/mile pace. For 10k pace I did 7 min 15 sec/mile and Marathon Pace (MP) at 8 min/mile. Tuesday 5/14/19: Legs and HIIT 4 sets for 12 reps: Squat Machine Wide : 140lb, 180lb, 220lb, 260lb Lying Leg Curl : 40lb, 50lb, 50lb, 50lb Abductors : 90lb, 110lb, 110lb, 110lb Leg Ex...