Siriusly Sunday!

Good evening everyone! I told you I would be delayed with this post! I was a little more delayed than I planned, so I am sorry for that! I hope you are all doing absolutely fantastic, siriusly πŸ˜‚! I have had a very busy couple of weeks! Work has been hectic and I have had so much to do! Here are my workouts for the past two weeks:

Monday 4/1/19: Legs

4 sets:
Hack Squat Wide-95lbs
Seated Leg Curl-45lb, 55lb, 60lb, and 65lb
Hack Squat Middle-95lbs
Leg Extension-plate 12, 14, 15, 15
Hack Squat Narrow-95lbs

Reps were increased for each set and were 10, 12, 14, and 17.

Man, this leg workout was brutal for me. I was so tired after it! I loved it! I love pushing myself!

Tuesday 4/2/19: Barre Class

30 minutes on the stairclimber and then I taught class!

Wednesday 4/3/19: Arms and Shoulders

Lateral Raises
Front Raise
Upright Rows
Rear Raises
Bicep Curls
Tricep Extensions

I did not write down repps or weights for this so i am sorry for that!

Thursday 4/4/19: Barre

30 minutes of cardio on the stairclimber and then teaching Barre! I love teaching Barre! It is just awesome to see everyone noticing their bodies getting stronger and seeing the smiles on their faces! It is really rewarding to watch them on their own journeys :)

Friday 4/5/19: Rest

I was on my way to El Paso, Texas!

Saturday 4/6/19: Run and Swim

Ran for 3 miles and then went swimming! I had not been swimming in quite awhile. It was loads of fun!

Sunday 4/7/19: Rest

Drove back home!

Monday 4/8/19: Run

2 mile run

Tuesday 4/9/19: Rest

I was out of town and did not get a chance to exercise :(

Wednesday 4/10/19: Arms and Shoulders

Lateral Raises
Front Raise
Upright Rows
Rear Raises
Bicep Curls
Tricep Extensions

Again, I did not write down the weights or reps πŸ˜“. I fail! It was lighter weight since I was preparing for my half marathon.

Thursday 4/11/19: Barre

I did 30 minutes on the stairclimber at a lower level. I did not teach Barre Tuesday because I was out of town, but it was super great to be back at it! I love seeing everyone work so hard and push themselves (and help push them too)! It is just a fun and great experience! I want to start teaching more! I am hoping to add a weekend class soon. I just have to determine a good day and time!

Friday 4/12/19: Rest

I rested up for my half marathon and was sure to drink plenty of water leading up to my run!

Saturday 4/13/19: Half Marathon!

I ran my half marathon! 13.1 miles in 1 hour 45 minutes and 30 seconds! It was really hard. After mile 10, I started to slow down. I really wanted to stop, but I kept going. I thought to myself that did not even care about getting 1 hour and 45 minutes of finishing time. I just wanted to finish. I didn't stop and kept going! At the end, I had a kick (sprint). No matter how tired I get, I still find a way to have at least a little kick (sprint) at the end!

Sunday 4/14/19: Rest

Definitely needed today to recover and rest! I was not nearly as sore as after my 10 mile run, but I also hadn't been running at all leading up to that, so training even a tiny bit helps a ton! Lesson learned! I ate a little bad today, but I am not worried about it! I was enjoying a potluck wit my family to watch the premiere of the last season of Game of Thrones! I will get it together tomorrow and just reward myself after that run I had yesterday!



I am still intermittent fasting, which helps with my snacking. I have started to intermittent fast for 16 hours at least once a week. The other days, I am consistently doing 14 hour fasts. This has gone up from y 12 hour minimum. I am going to work on my diet more. Focusing on eating less bad snacks and treat and choosing healthier options. It is what I need to do.

Blog Posts

I warned you I would be delayed! Maybe every two weeks is a more realistic goal for my blog posts, but for now, I am going to keep trying for once a week!

Run a Half Marathon

Accomplished!!! I wanted to cry after I crossed the finish line. I was so happy. It was a big deal to me. It was a testament of how far I have come. I have come many miles (not just running but in my journey) and know I can keep going. I can find it in me to push myself, to make what seems impossible possible. We all can! Our minds often want to give up long before our bodies do. I am excited for future runs to come and other goals I make! This was a big milestone for me! I am proud of myself!

Have Adventures

I went to El Paso, Texas to my friend's wedding shower! That was really fun! It was awesome to hang out and get away for a little bit! Then, for work, I went on a tour of a mine! It was really cool and super awesome! The haul trucks are huuuuge!!!

Those tires!!!

This morning I weighed in at 132lb. I keep having setbacks and then progress (repeatedly). I am hoping progress will continue from now on with no setbacks. I am going to focus on my calorie intake and pay more attention to what I am eating. I am not saying I won't have treats and bad snacks, but I am going to focus on minimizing them (especially chocolate).

I leave you with this:

"You never know what you have the ability to do until you dig."-Mike Kinney

Let's dig and find out our abilities! I bet we'd surprise ourselves learning what we are capable of, and learn a lot about ourselves along the way!

πŸ’–Much Love,


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