No More Posts

Good morning everyone! I just wanted to say I will no longer be having blog posts....APRIL FOOLS! As long as I still have readers, I plan on continuing to post! So please, keep reading and sharing πŸ’—. I hope you have all been doing wonderfully! I know I am late with this blog post. Last week, it just was not a good week, and I was not up to writing any posts. For that, I am so sorry, but I hope you understand πŸ’—. Oh my goodness! After that 10-mile run, I was so sore and could barely walk for a few days! My legs and feet and abs and everywhere was feeling it! Therefore, I took it easy on the cardio. This past week, I was much better and was able to get my cardio fix πŸ’—. Just another reason you should not follow my example and should train! It is so important to build up to longer miles to prepare your body for it. Live and learn my magic folk, live and learn πŸ˜…! As always, my past two weeks in review:

Monday 3/18/19: Arms and Shoulders

I stretched before my training time since I was still feeling my run everywhere. 

4 Sets:
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Seated Front Raises
Dumbbell Bent Over Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Tuesday 3/19/19: Barre Class

No cardio for me! However, I was still able to teach my Barre class! Let me tell you, everyone is rocking it! It is so amazing to see everyone getting stronger! I love it! I got portable Barre's and now I can add a little more diversity in what we do!

Wednesday 3/20/19: Chest and Back

15 minutes on ArcTrainer! I was sooo excited to do cardio! I love cardio (I know I'm weird lol) and missed it! I did the Arctrainer because it hurt my foot the least!

4 sets:
Incline Chest Press
Pull-Up Assist: Pull-Up, Dips, Chin-Up, Dips, Neutral

Thursday 3/21/19: Barre

I forgot my tennis shoes and did not want to risk anything with my foot being sore still, so I just stretched before teaching Barre. 

Friday 3/22/19: Powerlifting 

I ran for 15 minutes and then deadlifted. I tried to match my Personal Best again. It was a no go. I felt so incredibly frustrated and disappointed in myself. I've done it before and should do it again. Besides failing again, I still love deadlifting. I enjoy it even though I wasn't matching my best. 

Saturday 3/23/19: Barre, Kickboxing, and Run 

I love when I get to attend Barre class! I love this workout. I also went to kickboxing! It is so fun. I love the cardio aspect in each of these workouts. Honestly, sometimes it is just a stress reliever getting to punch and kick a bag. Both of my instructor's for these classes are super awesome which definitely helps πŸ’—! After kickboxing, I ran for 7-8 miles (I am not entirely sure. The location accuracy was not good and my phone didn't log the route correctly). It was supposed to be 11 miles πŸ˜….  Needless to say, that did not happen. I tried!

Sunday 3/24/19: Rest

Giving your body that time to rejuvenate is so important, especially after long runs and multiple workouts in a day. I stretched and gave my body much needed recovery time!

Monday 3/25/19: Barre

I went to Barre class during my lunch break to get in a quick exercise routine since I would not be able to go to the gym after work.

Tuesday 3/26/19: Barre

I ran for 30 minutes (4 miles). Then, I taught my Barre class. After, I ran for another 15 minutes (2 miles) to get in 6 miles on the treadmill. Running on the treadmill is not fun. 

Wednesday 3/27/19: Legs

45 minutes on the stairclimber! I loved it! I missed this cardio machine so much! 

4 sets (5th just leg press):
Leg Press
Laying Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Laying Leg Curl

On the 5th set, I just did the leg press. 7 x 45lb plates on each side for 4 reps which is a new personal best!

Thursday 3/28/19: Barre

30 minutes on the stairclimber and Barre class! I love having the portable Barres, but I want to get bands next to add even more diversity and make it more fun!

Friday 3/29/19: Powerlifting

Guess what I diiid?!?!?!

I finally matched my personal best on the deadlifts! I even beat it by 1lb! 255lb for one rep is my new best! I was so close to getting 265lb! I was so excited I dropped the weight πŸ˜‚. This weightlifting biz definitely breaks you sometimes, but it also makes you. Every day is different, but we just have to stay consistent and keep persevering πŸ’–!

Saturday 3/30/19: Run, Chest and Back, Kickboxing

I started my morning with a 12 mile run! I am definitely on track for that Sub-2 hour Half Marathon I want. My ultra goal of a sub-1 hour and 45 minute Half Marathon is super close. I won't be able to do  a long run next weekend and the one after is my half marathon, so we shall see how it goes.

After my run, I went to train and did chest and back.

 4 sets:
Bench Press
Bench Press
Hyper Extensions

I met one of my friends for lunch, and we got to hang out for a little bit! It was really fun! Then, I went to kickboxing! I was definitely a little worn out, but it was worth it. I love all of the workout I did. Plus, I figure I should definitely at least be able to finish 13.1 miles after a day like that πŸ˜‚.

Sunday 3/31/19: Rest

I stretched and relaxed (and cleaned). I slept for about 10 hours, which was much needed. I may have pushed it a little bit much, but I was definitely much more mobile than after my 10 mile race, which is really awesome to have ran even more, but it have much less affect on my body! Training is important! Yes, I need to heed my own advice πŸ˜‚. I am trying to!



I have been doing bad on meeting my calorie goals and with what I have been eating. I really need to improve upon this. I am going to start by eating less sugary snack throughout the day at work (especially chocolate). My intermittent fasting (12-14 hours) is going well. I am hitting 14 hours consistently and am working on 16 hours one day a week. It definitely helps curb snacking! My water intake has been better. I am trying for a gallon a day. 

Blog Posts

I was delayed this last time. I am sorry! As a head up, I am going to be a little late for the next one too! I am out of town next weekend. Then, I am out of town the beginning of next week. I should get a post out next Wednesday when I get back or the following Thursday!

Run a Half Marathon

I am on track for that half marathon! My 12 mile long run went better than expected! I have my half marathon in two weeks! I am both nervous and excited for it! I do not know why I keep getting so nervous for these runs. They really are for fun and no pressure. It's not like high school cross country races anymore. Yet, I still get super nervous. I guess I just want to do well for myself and get worried I won't be able to do it.

Have Adventures

I went to the movies last weekend, met a friend for lunch, and met a dear family friend that my sister, mom, and I have not seen in years. It was a grand 'ol time!

"Consistency doesn't mean never messing up, it means never giving up." -Unknown

I just want to reiterate that nothing in life is easy. Life is not easy. We fall down, we mess up, we get knocked down, and we fail. However, the only real failure is when we don't get back up, when we stop trying. Some days are harder than others, but we need to get back each time. That's how we learn, how we grow, and how we get stronger physically, mentally, and emotionally. Stay consistent and never give up. You are strong and will only get stronger πŸ’ͺ!

πŸ’–Much Love,


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