Easter Sunday!

Happy Easter everyone (if you celebrate it)! I hope you have all had amazing days and gotten to spend time with your family! I had lunch with mine and it was really nice! I am thinking about training for a certain race, but I don't want to mention it until I decide on a program and if I actually want to try it! Stay tuned! I will let you know :) Here is my week in review:

Monday 4/15/19: Chest and Back

4 Sets:
Chest Press (Middle Grip)
Pull Down
Chest Press (Wide Grip-Odd Set, Narrow Grip-Even Set)
Seated Row

Tuesday 4/16/19: Cardio and Barre

30 minutes on the stairclimber and Barre class!

Wednesday 4/17/19: Legs

4 Sets of 12 reps:
Hack Squat (Wide Stance): 60lbs
Leg Extensions: Plate 12, 13, 15, 15
Leg Abductors: Plate 10, 11, 12, 12
Laying Leg Curl: 40lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs, 50lbs
Hack Squat (Narrow Stance): 60lbs

Thursday 4/18/19: Cardio and Barre

30 minutes on the stairclimber and class! I had two new clients! It was awesome :)

Friday 4/19/19: Shoulders, Calves, and Abs

Seated Side Lateral Raise
Seated Lateral Raise
Standing Barbell Front Raise
Seated Dumbbell Press
Lying Incline Rear Lateral Raise
Donkey Calf Raise 
Standing Single Leg Calf Raise
Lying Incline Leg Lifts

Saturday 4/20/19: Cardio

60 minutes on the stairclimber! I felt great! Next time, I am going to try 75 minutes!

Sunday 4/21/19: Barre


This will be the last week I explicitly talk about my New Year's Resolutions. I am going to recap the fails and successes as well as the ones that are ongoing!

Fails 😣


Paleo was a total fail! I am so bad at sticking to diets. I don't like depriving myself of what I can it! I prefer just keeping it to as little as possible.


Blog Posts

This one is ongoing. I sometimes get it weekly other times it is bi-weekly, but I will continue to try to post weekly! I am thinking about attempting on training for a run, so that will help keep me on track to post and talk about m weekly training schedule.

Be Better

I am just trying to be nicer and a good person. I think this will always be the case.


I wouldn't call this one a fail, but it is just progressing extremely slowly, which is totally okay! I am meeting calorie goals more consistently and also incorporating more ab workouts into my routine. I also do a ton of cardio (which I love and am going to try to increase it). I just really need to focus on what I am eating.

Successes 😁

Barre Classes

I absolutely love teaching Barre! It is so much fun and rewarding. I love seeing my clients see the progress in themselves and love seeing them continuing to come to class! Consistency is hard and starting a new class is scary. I am so proud of all of them and can't wait to see them continue to do so incredibly awesome!

Half Marathon

I did it! This made me so happy! 13.1 miles! It was so hard, but I stayed determined and finished it! It was also fun (yes, I find running can be fun) lol!

Have Adventures

This one is also ongoing, but it has been super successful! I have gone to Phoenix, Flagstaff, Houston, and El Paso! I also have been doing different things locally! Last night, my friend and I went to an LED light show performance, and it was tons of fun! I love how you don't have to go very far to find an adventure. It can be something as just trying a new restaurant! Adventure is out there and waiting :)!

"A little progress each day adds up to big results."-Unknown

Always keep trying! Not just with exercise but with life in general. Whether it is work or something else, just keep trying. Do your best. Results will come. Stay determined! Once again, Happy Easter! I hope your day was filled with so much love and happiness.

Until next time,


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