Transformation Tuesday

Good morning muggles, witches, and wizards all around! I hope you are doing magically! How is the time change treating you? I am fairing badly 😩! I don't want to get out of bed! I do love how light it is coming home from the gym though! Here is my week in review!

Monday 3/4/19: Legs

4 sets of 17 reps:
Squat Wide: 120lb, 160lb, 180lb, 180lb
Leg Extension: plate 13, 14, 15, 15
Squat Middle: 120lb, 160lb, 180lb, 180lb
Lying Leg Curl: 40lb
Squat Narrow: 120lb, 160lb, 180lb, 180lb

Tuesday 3/5/19: Barre and Cardio

30 minutes of cardio on the stairclimber before teaching Barre!

Wednesday 3/6/19: Upper Body

Standing Lateral Raises
Seated Front Raises
Bent over Lateral Raises
Tricep Extension
Curl Bar

Thursday 3/7/19: Barre and Cardio

30 minutes on the stairclimber! The stairclimber has become my new favorite cardio machine. Then, Barre class!

Friday 3/8/19: Powerlifting

Deadlifting! I went heavy. I tried to match my personal record, but I couldn't get it all the way up 😒. It was still pretty good since I hadn't deadlifted in awhile!

Saturday 3/9/19: Barre and Kickboxing

I enjoy teaching Barre, but I also love being the one taking the class too! It kicked my butt! I love kickboxing! It has been awhile since I have gone to it, and it was tons of fun! πŸ˜€

Sunday 3/10/19: Rest

I was so sore from deadlifting, barre, and kickboxing! I took a rest day to recuperate (to also recuperate from a night out πŸ˜‚)!

Monday 3/11/19: Legs

4 sets of 6 reps (5 sets for squat machine):
Squat machine: 160lb, 220lb, 260lb, 300lb, and 380lb
Lying Leg Curl: 60lb, 70lb, 80lb, 80lb
Leg Extension (12 reps per set): plate 12, 14, 15, 15
Lying Leg Curl: 60lb, 70lb, 80lb, 80lb

I got a new personal record on the squat machine! My trainer said I have conquered this machine with 380lbs for 6 reps!

Some of my new year's resolutions are going so well....and others not so much πŸ˜…


Soon this resolution has been a total fail! I tried. For now, I am going to work on better eating and not have a restrictive diet as to what I can it (still focus on the amount). I know as I get closer to reaching some of my goals what I eat will really matter, but for now I'm gonna stick with this.

Barre Classes

I am loving teaching Barre. I am hoping to get a portable Barre soon as well as resistance bands that way I can make it way more fun for my clients 😁!

Learn ASL

My coworker is going to start teaching it! I am so excited! I also am learning at least one word a week. Slowly but surely I am learning it!


This feels like it's a galaxy away, I took progress photos that are later in this post. It made me feel like I have made a little progress which is encouraging. I am doing better sticking with my calorie goals. I am still intermittent fasting (12-14 hours). I am leaning more towards 14 hours. My water intake has been improving. I had not been drinking enough. It really helps.

Blog Posts

This one is a work in progress! I was a little late with this week's post, but I wanted to post for Transformation Tuesday, so at least there was a reason this time!

Run a Half Marathon

I definitely plan on picking my running back up with Spring weather looking on the horizon! Until then, I have a 10 mile run that I signed up for....I have not gone for a run in 3 months 😩 Shall see how this goes. I recommend training for these kinds of things. Do not follow my example πŸ˜…!

Have Adventures

I am doing really well with this resolution!!! You can find and have an adventure every day! It can be something super small from trying a new food to going on trips! Adventure is out there! We just have to look! This week, for my friend's birthday, we went to an escape room and out to dinner! We had a ton of fun! 

Be Better

I gots work to do. I think it is important to always try to be the best person you can be. Some days I am not great at that, but others I do alright.

The pictures on the left are from December 4, 2018. I weighed in at 128lbs. The pictures on the right are from March 9, 2019. I weighed in at 130.5lbs. I hadn't taken progress pictures in awhile. Honestly, I should have been. I get hung up on the number on the scale sometimes, even when I know that is not the only way to track progress. I also know it can be variable day to day and throughout the day. I am so glad I took these pictures. Even if it is only a tiny bit, it is so encouraging to see progress when I felt like I hadn't made any in awhile. 

I like to look at my first progress photo as a reminder of where I started. To remind my self of how far I have come. This gets so hard. This journey has not been easy. It has challenged me in so many ways. It is worth it. It is worth every tear and failure. It is worth every time I doubt myself. It is worth it because it has made me stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. I will get to where I want to be. I have come to far to give up. I am proud of where I am!

I hope that I can somehow give to others what has been given to me. I hope I can inspire and encourage. I hope I can help people reach their goals, whatever they may be. I hope I can provide a safe place where people are comfortable and feel like they can embrace themselves and reach their fullest potential. We can do whatever we set our minds to. We can reach whatever our goals are whether they are fitness goals, life goals, or any goals we have. We can do it. We just have to put in the work!

"I hope you know you're capable and brave and significant even when it feels like you're not."-unknown

We are capable, we just have to remember to believe and be brave enough to try and get back up every time we are knocked down.

Until next time,


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