Sundays are for Seeking

Good evening witches and wizards! I hope you have all been doing magically! I have! It has been an awesome two weeks! I worked longer hours that way I could go visit my friend in Houston! It was so worth it! I saw these guys playing Jump Force, and I really want to get it! It looks so fun! It also combines two of my favorite things! I am excited for when I get it! I got to play with the most adorable Husky puppy this week! I need one in my life! It is my dream dog 😍! Anyways, here is my recap 😊!

Monday 2/18/2019: Legs

I have no idea what I did 😅. That is my bad! I am sorry! I did do 15 minutes of cardio on the Stairclimber.

Tuesday 2/19/2019: Barre 

Since I was working longer hours, I didn't get a chance to do any cardio before my Barre class.

Wednesday 2/20/2019: Upper Body

Incline Chest Press
Lat Pull Down
Close Grip Incline Press

I do not recall weight or reps, but it was 4 sets.

Thursday 2/21/2019: Rest

I was traveling to Houston to visit my friend!!! Therefore, no exercise was completed.

Friday 2/22/2019: HIIT

My friend took me through a HIIT workout she does at one of her fitness classes! We also did 15 minutes of cardio before! It was a lot of fun.

Saturday 2/23/2019: Upper Body

My friend and I did 25 minutes of cardio, then I tool her through an Upper Body workout!

Incline Chest Press
Pull-up  Assist Machine: Pull-Up, Dips, Chin-Up

Sunday 2/24/2019: Rest

My friend took me to the Kemah Boardwalk!

Monday 2/25/2019: Legs

30 minutes cardio on Stairclimber.

5 sets:

Hack Squat: 90lb, 135lb, 180lb, 225lb, 270lb
Leg Press: 180lb, 270lb, 360lb, 450lb, 450lb
Leg Curl: 40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb, 70lb
Leg Extension: 45lb, 70lb, 80lb, 80lb, 80lb
Leg Curl: 40lb, 50lb, 60lb, 70lb, 70lb

For leg extensions, reps stayed at 17 for all sets. For every other exercise, the reps were: 10, 8, 6, 6, 6 (4 on hack squat). 

Tuesday 2/26/19: Barre

I am beginning to enjoying teaching this more and more.

Wednesday 2/27/19: Upper Body

4 sets:

Incline Chest Press
Pull-Up Assist Machine: Chin-Up, Dip, Pull-Up, Dip, Neutral Grip

Thursday 2/28/19: Barre

Taught my Barre class! I want to try incorporating some Zumba into it!

Friday 3/1/19: Cardio

Normally, I would power lift, but my back was hurting so I only did 45 minutes of cardio.

The sweat mark left on the floor from my shirt 😂😂😂

Saturday 3/2/19: Terrain Race

I did a Terrain race! It was a 5k obstacle course! It was a ton of fun!

Sunday 3/3/19: Barre

I went to a Barre class! I love teaching and taking Barre classes. They are a ton of fun and a great workout!

Now, onto my New Year's Resolutions:


I am doing okay with not having too many pastries, but I have tons of room for improvement. I also need to focus on eating more lean protein and meeting my calorie goals. 

Barre Classes

I am enjoying teaching! I like trying to incorporate different things to see if they work or not really. It is a lot of fun.

Learn ASL

Slowly but surely learning new signs each week. I think I am going to purchase an ASL textbook. I am sure it will help! 


This still feels so far away, but I am trying. Still seeking those goals. Man, wish I was a seeker, Then, I would have reached that golden snitch (goals) by now! It's okay! I will get there! I am eating at a calorie deficit and trying really hard to stick with it. Weekends are the hardest. I am still intermittent fasting (12-14 hours), but may change how I am doing that. I weighed in at 134.5lbs today (Sun 3/3/19). At least it didn't go up and stayed pretty much the same. It is still not where I want to be. I am trying not to beat myself up about it because that won't help at all.

Blog Posts

I have noticed whenever I go out of town for a weekend, a blog post is not happening that week. I am still aiming for weekly posts, but there are times when it just will not happen.

Run a Half Marathon

When it gets warmer, my running will definitely pick back up!

Have Adventures

This one has definitely been happening! I went to visit my friend in Houston! We had a ton of fun! We did a Bachelorette party for her, and we also went to Kemah Boardwalk! I also did a Terrain Race with a different friend! It's what she wanted to do for her birthday! I think you can have some sort of adventure every day! 

Be Better

My communication with my friends and family definitely can still improve. I am trying to make sure I talk to them at least weekly!

"Fall in love with the journey, and every mile will be magical"-Michael D'Aulerio

This journey, though full of so many challenges and struggles, ups and downs, and tries and errors, can be so rewarding and magical. In part, because of the challenges. Find the magic in it, and it'll help you keep going!

Until next time,
<3 Ari <3


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