St. Patrick's Sunday!

Good evening readers!!! Happy St. Patrick's day! I hope you are having a wonderful one! I am so tired from that 10 mile run today! I feel like I could sleep for days. I better wake up on time for work tomorrow! As always, here is my week in review:

Tuesday 3/12/19: Barre

I tend to do at least 30 minutes of cardio before I teach Barre.

Wednesday 3/13/19: Chest and Back

I did 60 minutes on the stairclimber! I didn't have work so I was able to go earlier to get a bit more cardio!

4 sets: Reps of 10, 8, 6, 6

Incline Chest Press: 100lb, 140lb, 160lb, 180lb
Pull up Assist Machine: Pull-Up, Dip, Chin-Up, Dip, Neutral: 100lb, 90lb, 80lb, 80lb

I did a fifth set on the incline chest press 200lbs for 2 reps which is a new personal best!

Thursday 3/14/19: Barre

I didn't have work again! I was able to fit in 60 minutes of cardio on the stairclimber! Then, I taught my Barre class. I took cherry pie for Pi Day!!! I am a firm believer in treating yourself!

Friday 3/15/19: Powerlifting

 I tried to match my personal record on the deadlift again and had the same struggle. I lose grip πŸ˜•. It is really frustrating. Especially because I have done it before! I will figure it out and get it. I know it.

Saturday 3/16/19: Barre 

I love Barre! It is a great workout! 😁 It's awesome to get ideas on what I want to try in my own classes and also to just remind myself of what a killer workout it is for me and my clients!

Sunday 3/17/19: Shamrock Shuffle

I signed up for a 10 mile run! I haven't ran since December. I definitely recommend training before runs! Don't follow my example πŸ˜…! It is the longest I have ever ran non-stop! I finished in 1 hour 20 min and 19 sec! I wonder what my time would be like if I trained and focused on running! I also should have rested way more than I did this week, especially on Saturday! Live and learn!

Since I pretty much failed at Paleo and have been successful with my new year's resolutions of teaching Barre, I think I will only bring them up if any new developments happen!

Learn ASL

I am still working with one word a week! I am also going to but a sign language book! 


Slowly but surely (hopefully). Meeting my calorie goals has been hit or miss. My intermittent fasting (12-14 hours) is going well. It definitely helps curb snacking! I am potentially going to try a little bit longer fasts a couple days a week (but start with one day a week). My water intake has been much better! 

Blog Posts

I am on schedule with this week! Yay!!! This one will always vary, but I am trying!

Run a Half Marathon

I ran 10 miles today!! Definitely on track for that half marathon! I signed up for one that is in April and have been looking up 4 week training programs. I am also going to try to focus on my eating to help improve my speed! My goal is definitely going to be 2 hours!

Have Adventures

This week is a blur (especially after the run)! I finally put the Christmas Tree away! It was an adventure getting it to fit into that box! The struggle was real!

I know this post is much shorter, but I really wanted to tell you all about my 10 mile run! I definitely have a new motivation and want to work towards that half marathon and from there we shall see. I am falling in love with running again. It's a way to clear my head and get away. I love pushing myself, and I love the freedom running brings.

"Fall in love with the journey and every mile will be magical." -Michael D'Aulerio

Here's to the possibilities. They are out there, we just have to look and be willing to reach out and grab them, to take chances. Every mile, every step, every rep, every exercise is magical. It is all challenging, but it is magical. It transforms us in so many ways. The journey is never easy, but we don't want easy. Overcoming the difficulty, pushing through it, that's where the magic happens.

Until next time,


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