No Post on Sundays!

Good evening magic folk! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. I know it's been a little while since my last post, and for that I am sorry! Here is an update of my last two weeks! Enjoy your Sunday evening. Uncle Vernon may love Sunday because there are no posts, but there are WizAri's Blog Posts πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Š!

Monday 2/04/19: Cardio

30 minutes on the Stairclimber Fat Burner Workout

Tuesday 2/05/19: Upper Body and Barre

5 sets:
Incline Press
Pull-Up Assist Machine: Pull-up, dip, neutral, dip, chin-up

Weight was kept the same with the pull-up assist machine. With the incline press weight increased as reps decreased (reps decreased on assist machine as well). The weight for the incline press was 80lbs, 100lbs, 120lbs, 140lbs, and 160lbs. The reps went 10, 8, 6, 6, 4.

Taught my Barre class after!

Wednesday 2/06/19: Cardio

45 minutes on the Stairclimber "interval" workout. I kept increasing the rest state of the interval workout πŸ˜‚

Thursday 2/07/19: Legs/Cardio and Barre

4 sets:
Hack Squat
Lying Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Lying Leg Curl

I did not record the weights and reps, but increased weight and lowered reps. I reached a new best on the hack squat! 270 lbs plus rack for 2 reps! 😁

Taught my Barre class after!

Friday 2/08/19: Powerlifting

Deadlifted! Did a warm up set then kept it at a medium weight and continued to increase reps. After deadlifting, did a couple circuits of abs.

Saturday 2/09/19: Kickboxing and Lap Dance Workshop

I love kickboxing! It's so fun! Also, I went to a Lap Dancing workshop with my sisters! It was a lot of fun. I love being in an environment where I feel safe and comfortable and try to embrace being and feeling sexy. It is really awesome and empowering, all of the love and confidence women and give to each other by being supportive and nice. 

We were told to bring heels and a robe. Me being me, I brought my Harry Potter Wizard Robe and my Harley Quinn Cosplay heels! I can still feel sexy in my nerdy clothes πŸ˜‚! 

Sunday: 2/10/19: Rest

Monday 2/11/19: Legs

15 minutes of cardio on the stairclimber.

4 Sets:
Wide Leg Press
Seated Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Narrow Leg Press

Started at 15 reps and increased by 5 reps each set

Tuesday 2/12/19: Barre

Taught my Barre class! I'm slowly getting more comfortable with it and loving it more and more.

Wednesday 2/13/19: Upper Body

4 sets:
Chest Press
Shoulder Press
 Dumbbell Tricep Extension
Dumbbell Bicep Curl

Thursday 2/14/19: Barre

I had a fun Valentine's Day Barre class! I made a special playlist! I enjoyed it!

Friday 2/15/19: Intro to Pole

I went to my first Intro to Pole class! I loved it! It was amazing! It was tons of fun! I can't wait to go again!

Saturday 2/16/19: Cardio

45 minutes on the Stairclimber! Twas quite the workout!

Sunday 2/17/19: Barre

Instead of teaching Barre, I went to a class! It was tons of fun, and I am always learning about new things to incorporate and how to spice it up!

Here is an update on how my New Year's Resolutions are going!


I am completely and utterly failing doing a modified Paleo diet. It's really hard when you are the only one in your household trying it. Temptation is real. I am struggling. Remember way back when I mentioned not doing well on diets, that seems to still be the case. I am going to adjust and focus on Paleo the majority of the time (even if just 51%). I'll restart there and work my way to having it more and more. I am going to focus on making healthier choices, but not worry too much about a strict Paleo diet. I am going to work on resisting the sweet treat temptations first and then worry about added sugar or other Paleo factors. I am changing it up and going one step at a time.

Barre Classes

I am getting more and more comfortable with teaching these classes, but I have a lot of improvement to make. I am excited to see where this goes.

Learn ASL

My coworker is still teaching me signs a few at a time. We have plans to sit down for lunch one day and just have a lesson. 


This has never felt father away, but I am still trying and not giving up. I am adjusting how I am incorporating Paleo. I am eating at a calorie deficit and intermittent fasting. I just need to refocus and restart and get my act together. I weighed in at 135lbs today (Sun 2/17/19). At least it didn't go up and stayed the same. It is not where I want to be. I am somewhat frustrated, but I just got to keep trekking.

Blog Posts

I am trying on weekly blog posts. I know I fall behind sometimes, but I am not giving up on this!

Run a Half Marathon

I have not been running. I am definitely slacking on that. I need to get into a routine. Once that happens, I'll look for half marathons to sign up for.

Have Adventures

This one has definitely been happening! I had a girl'd night with my friend and we went to watch Jiu Jutsu and have dinner! We had a grand old time! I am also going to Houston!

Be Better

I am still working on this. I am trying to communicate with my friends and family more and also spend more time with them. Life gets hectic and it's important to remind those we care about that we're still here and care and remind them of their importance.

"When you feel tired, keep going. That's the only way to truly get stronger."-unknown

You are strong, so much stronger than our mind tells you. Keep going πŸ’—

Until next time,



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