Wizarding Wednesday!

Happy Hump Day! I hope the middle of your week is going super! I am a little late with this post because I was out of town this weekend! I hope all you witches and wizards are having a magical Wednesday! I myself feel like I have been hit with the confundus charm 😕! I always feel that way after a 3-day weekend! Anyways, onwards to the summary of my week!

Monday 1/14/19: Legs

Mondays tend to be my leg days! I really need to write down my routine as they happen, so I can be more detailed for you!

4 sets:
Hack Squat 
Leg Curls
Leg extensions
Hack Squat

For the leg extensions, someone had just finished, and they were asking what weight to put it at. They started to put it at a lower weight and my trainer was “No, leave it” It felt cool to be stronger than what someone thought. I worked hard and it’s interesting the ways I can see those results. 

Tuesday 1/15/19: Cardio and Barre!

I started teaching Barre Fitness classes!!! It is incredibly nerve-wrecking and I still have kinks to figure out, but it was so much fun! 

Wednesday 1/16/19: Chest and Back

4 sets:
Incline Chest Press
Pull-up assist Machine: Pull-up, dip, neutral, dip, chin up

Thursday 1/17/19: Cardio and Barre!

15 minutes on the stairclimber before Barre!

Friday 1/18/19 – Monday 1/21/19: Rest! Trip to Flagstaff!!!

I went to Flagstaff for the weekend to visit friends!!! It was so much fun and so great to see them! Flagstaff is beautiful <3 I could totally live there!

Tuesday 1/22/19: Upper Body and Barre

I squeezed in my training session before my class!

4 sets:
Chest Press
Cable Tricep Extensions

I did soooo bad teaching Barre!!!  I got super nervous! There were completely new people, and I freaked out and got nervous and my playlist was wrong, and it was just terrible x/ However, this is all still so new to me. I know I am going to make mistakes and not do the best as I learn and get comfortable with teaching and find my groove and make it my own. Next class will be better!

Alright, I will be honest with you all. I was able to weigh myself Saturday morning (134 lbs.), but no picture or other measurements. I am also out of town again this weekend, so I plan on measurements and photos 2/3/19. From there, I will stick either do weight measurements weekly or bi-weekly. Pictures and other measurements will be bi-weekly or monthly. I have yet to decide. Modified Paleo this week was a complete and total fail! I enjoyed myself and did not stress about it. I am back at it again this week and it is off to a good start! Along with modified paleo, I am still intermittent fasting. 12 hours is my minimum and I really try to reach 14 hours. I do not always make it the full 14 hours. I am also eating at a calorie deficit. I am not paying attention to macros. I am bad at that. It is something to try to work on, but one thing at a time, and my focus is modified paleo, cleaner eating! I tried Kombucha! The one I had was actually pretty good! I really need to start having more probiotics, so I am going to try having kombucha more often. Also, less cheese and add probiotic yogurt. For my modified paleo, part of it was that I didn’t want to eliminate food groups, so that’s a change I am making to my modified paleo. I am just using it to make healthier choices in general as well as ones that will be good for my while making modifications that will allow me to succeed (like still allowing cheese but cutting it back).

I need to start fitting running into my schedule too. I have a little over a month and a half for a 10-mile run. I am confident I won’t be able to get away with not really training for it like I did for my 10k. Then, I gotta work up to that half-marathon! 

I am slowly learning sign! My co-worker has been sending pictures every week and then practicing them with me! 😊

Let’s see, with my resolutions, I updated you about Paleo, running (half marathon), adventures, teaching Barre, sign language, abs (eating and exercise), I am posting weekly (albeit not always the same day). Lastly, be better, that’s a work in progress! I am trying to stay in better contact with my friends and spend more time with family. I’m trying to focus on communication first.

“It’s going to be a journey. It’s not a sprint to get in shape.” —Kerri Walsh Jennings

Don't forget, with fitness journeys of any kind (any kind of other journey too): losing weight, gaining weight, specific goals like reaching a certain weight to deadlift and so on, it takes time. It's not a sprint. It does not happen at once. Same goes for our resolutions. Just because we messed up or cheated on our diet does not mean we failed our resolutions. They are goals. We just keep trying. The only true failure is not trying and giving up before you give yourself a chance. We're human and make mistakes. Embrace those mistakes and use them to do better next time. Make mini goals like going longer sticking with your diet or making it to the gym so many times a week. If your resolution is to exercise 4 times a week and it is not happening, make mini goals to work up to it. Start with twice a week then three times a week. There are many paths we can take! Just keep going and trying and getting back up!

That’s all for today! Please stay tuned <3
Much love,
Ari <3


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