Transfiguration Tuesday :)

Good morning lovelies! I hope your holiday season is going wonderfully! Tis the season to be jolly 😀! I love this time of year! Happy Transformation Tuesday! Here are the last two weeks in review!

Monday 11/19: Legs and Cardio
45 minute stairclimber

Hack Squat: 90lb for 10 reps, 135lb x 8, 180lb x 6, 230 lb for 4, 250 lb for 2 reps
Lying Leg Curl: 40lb x 10 reps, 50lb x 8, 60lb x 6, 60lb x 6
Leg Extension: plate 11 for 12 reps, plate 13 for 12 reps, plate 14 for 12 reps, plate 15 for 12 reps
Lying Leg Curl : Same as above

New personal best on the hack squat!!! Yayyy!!!

Tuesday 11/20: Kickboxing

Wednesday 11/21: Upper Body and Cardio
45 minute Stairclimber

17 reps
Chest Press
Back something
Chest Press
Shoulder Press
Preacher curl
Tricep Rope Extension

I don't particularly like the preacher curl. It just feels super awkward for me.

Thursday 11/22:
5 mile run
Barre Class
Yoga +

I wanted to eat, so I did 3 workouts! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving <3 I am lucky and thankful for so many things. We can always find to be thankful for, even at times when we can't see it.

Friday 11/23: 45 minute Stairclimber

Saturday 11/24: Kickboxing

Sunday 11/25: Rest

Rest days are so important. It's good to give your body time to recover. The amount of/frequency depends entirely on the individual, but be sure to at least have active rest days and just listen to your body!

This week for my new thing to try cooking, I made scones for the first time. I made them with no added sugar. They were chocolate chip zucchini scones! I messed up a little, but they came out okay.

Monday 11/26: Legs and Cardio
45 minutes cardio stairclimber

4 sets:
Squat machine: 120lbs for 10 reps, 220lb for 8, 280lb for 6, 320lb for 6, and 360lb for 6
Laying Leg Curls: 40lb for 10 reps, 50lb for 8, 60lb for 6, and 60lb for 6
Leg Extensions: plate 10 for 12 reps, plate 13 for 12, plate 14 for 12, and plate 15 for 12
Laying Leg Curls: Same as above

New personal best on Hack squats!!! Woohoo!!!

Tuesday 11/27: Kickboxing

Wednesday 11/28: Chest/Back and Cardio
45 minutes on Stairclimber

4 sets
Incline Chest Press
Pull Up Assist Machine: Chin Up, Dip, Pull Up Dip, Neutral
Reps of 10

I don't remember the weights and reps for the incline press (I'm sorry!!!), but I did get a personal best of 160lbs for 2 reps on the incline press! Woot! Woot!

Also, a very Happy Birthday to my Dad!

Thursday 11/29: Barre Class

Friday 11/30: Powerlifting

Deadlifts and Squats!

Saturday 12/1: Kickboxing and Barre Class

Started my Barre Instructor Training Class!!! I am so excited! I was feeling super nervous at first! To be completely honest, I still am, but I am so excited!

Sunday 12/2: Race Day! 10k run! Barre Instructor Training continued!

I was nervous for my 10k because I hadn't been running much. My training for it was maybe once a week for 2 months. I was nervous for it, but I wanted to get that milestone!

It was sooooo cold! I question my decision to sign up for my first 10k ever in December 😅

It was a lot of fun! My time was 48:52! I placed first in my age group for females and was the first overall female! Out of everyone I was 5th! I was so surprised.

I am looking forward to my 10 mile run in March, but I am definitely going to train for it more. Especially because I am thinking about signing up for a half marathon in April 😮! More than double a 10k, but it looks like I got that running fever!

Then, I headed from there to Barre Instructor Training! I am loving it! Still feeling nervous, and I have a bunch to learn, but gotta start somewhere! I have always wanted to teach a class, so I can't wait to finish learning the tools (and hopefully gaining the confidence to teach)!

Monday 12/3: Barre Class and Yoga!

Definitely needed that stretch! Was so sore after that 10k and Barre from Saturday!

Okay guys. Are you ready for this???

December 4, 2016 and December 4, 2018

Two years and about 42lbs (40-45lb depending on the week lol) later makes quite the difference! I have definitely lost fat and gained muscle. Although, I am not sure how much since I didn't take measurements in the beginning...and am still bad at remembering to take measurements! Don't worry, I will get into that groove 💖 I will be honest and admit that I still see my flaws first and where I feel needs work like my obliques for example. I am working on it. It make take a second, but I do notice my progress. I see that smile and feel so proud of how far I've come. Two years ago, I couldn't run a 10k. This year I ran one under 49 minutes! Two years ago I couldn't do a pull up or chin up. Now, I can do 4 and 6 respectively (last I tried). My weight loss may have been slow progress, but it was still progress. It is how I have been able to maintain (mostly). Before whenever I lost it fast, I never kept it off. Each of our journeys are our own. Different speeds, different methods, different things that works, and different goals. Let's embrace them and lift each other up 💖. You are beautiful and strong and powerful just as you are now. If you have any type of goals for yourself, you can do it!

I am looking towards my next goals and where I want to be. I want those abs! I'm figuring out my diet plan and exercise plan to reach a of my fitness goals. That does not stop me from appreciating my journey and recognizing where I am now, and every step and milestone to get here. Be proud of yourself always! Be proud at every step, every set back, every plateau, and every milestone. Embrace the hiccups just as much as the accomplishments.

"It's your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."

It starts with you. Believe in yourself. I believe in you and will walk it with you! Encouragement when it's needed, quotes to inspire you, and whatever you need to succeed. Just because it's your road, doesn't mean you have to walk it alone, but it just can't be walked for you. I'm so grateful for those who have walked it with me and supported me! Whatever your road is be it a fitness journey, self love journey, something in your career, whatever it is, you can do it and you will succeed. You are powerful and beautiful people. I know you have it in you!

Lots of love my peeps,


💖 Ari 💖


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