Troll in the Dungeon!!!

Good evening witches and wizards! I hope your Halloween was Spooktacular!!! 😃 I also hope you did not run into any trolls that were up to no good. Although. I have faith in your magical abilities that you could have handled a troll. All you need to know is Wingardium Leviosa 😉 Did you dress up? I sure did! I was Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad 😍! I loved how it turned out! I was missing a few details, but overall, I was happy with it!

I try to be spot on for details, hence the tattoos and nails!

Halloween Transformation!
My Halloween costumes for the past three years. Halloween 2016: Sally from A Nightmare Before Christmas. Halloween 2017: Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. My new favorite, Halloween 2018: Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad! Slowly but surely finding that inner confidence! 💖😊

Monday 10/22/18: Legs
45 minutes on stairclimber

4 sets reps of 12
Leg Press Wide Stance: 180 lbs plus rack
Leg Extension: plate number 10, 11, 12, 12
Leg Press Middle Stance: 180 lbs plus rack
Leg Curls: 45, 55, 55, 55
Leg Press Narrow Stance: 180 lbs plus rack

Tuesday 10/23/18: Kickboxing

Wednesday 10/24/18: Rest

Thursday 10/25/18: Upper Body
30 minutes on stairclimber

5 sets
Chest Press: 90lb for 10 reps, 110lb for 8, 130lb for 6, 140lb for 6, 160lb for 4
Rows: 70lb for 10 reps, 80lb for 8, 90lb for 6, 90lb for 6, 90lb for 6
Shoulder Press: 40lb for 10 reps, 50lb for 8, 60lb for 6, 70lb for 6, 80lb for 6
Tricep Extension: 40lb for 6 reps, 50lb for 6, 50lb for 6, 50lb for 6, 50lb for 6
Bicep Curls (Curl Bar): 30lb for 6 reps, 40lb for 6, 50lb for 6, 50 lb for 6, 50lb for 6

Friday 10/26/18: Rest

Saturday 10/27/18: Run and Glutes
6.38 miles run and a booty class!

Sunday 10/28/18: Rest

Monday 10/29/18: Cardio
30 minutes on Elliptical

Tuesday 10/30/18-Thursday 11/01/18: Rest

I was out of town for work this week, so I worked out when I could!

Friday 11/02/18: Powerlifting
15 minutes on stairclimber

4 sets: 12 reps, 14 reps, 17 reps, 25 reps
Smith machine squats: I do not know what weight
Deadlifts: 133 lbs

Saturday 11/03/18: Run and Glutes
7 mile run! Then, booty workout class!

This is my new personal record! Farthest I have ever ran without stopping! I am so happy about it! I am 6 miles away from a half marathon, which is daunting, but I will get there! I will focus on my 10km run coming up in December first!

Sunday 11/04/18: Rest

Progress photo and measurements taken Sunday, November 4, 2018 weighing in at 130.7 lbs. It's finally going down again! I was not sure how decent I did on my diet while I was out of town! I finally took measurements! Yay! I promise to do better with all my measurements. My goal is every two weeks. On November 1, my older sister and I started a no added sugar diet for three weeks. Let me tell you, I did not realize how much candy or sweet treats I had until this. Something sweet everyday for a long time...well, until November 1 that is lol.

Chest: 33.75 in
Neck: 12.25 in
Waist: 28.5 in
Hip: 36 in
Left Bicep: 10.75 in
Right Bicep: 10.75 in
Left Forearm: 9.5 in
Right Forearm: 9.75 in
Left Thigh: 23 in
Right Thigh: 23.25 in
Left Calf: 13 in
Right Calf: 13 in
Weight: 130.7 lbs

On the no added sugar, I am paying attention to the ingredients, but for the first week I am mainly focusing on cutting out candy and pastries (one of my biggest weaknesses). As I learn more about what I can and can't have, I'll get stricter. After the three weeks, I will probably make sure it is reduced sugar and pay more attention to it. I know this is a definite step towards eating healthier, which is a step towards obtaining those abs! I'll do my best to stay on track (especially with the holidays)!

"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't." - Ashley Greene

Wishing you all the best 😊💖 xoxo,
Ari 💗


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