Need to Find that 'umph' for Triwizard Training

Good evening witches, wizards, and muggles! I hope you are all doing fantastic. Sorry for the delay in the post. Also, just a heads upI won't be posting for about a week and a half. I am going on a trip to Boston with my sisters! Yay! I'll tell you all about it in my next post! :) Alrighty, so as promised I took progress pictures, but only got my weight measurement...not the greatest, and it probably won't be great while I'm on vacation, but we shall see.

Photos taken Sunday, September 9, 2018 weighing in at 129.5 lbs. I tried to hide my face because I woke up late to meet my family for breakfast (that's why I don't have the other measurements). I seem to be on an upward trend. I really need to buckle down. I have been way less stringent with my food intake (amount and type). Starting next week, I'll hunker down and really focus. In the meantime, I am going to enjoy my vacation and not stress too much. I really do want to reach my goals and maintain closer to 125 lbs with my weight (even though I'm learning weight isn't the most important). I promise I have not lost sight of my goals, but I do not have a timeline. I'll get there when I get there, and I want to do it in a way where I will sustain it.  Anyways, my week in review for exercise!

Monday: Legs
45 minutes stair climber
4 sets:
1st set reps of 15
Leg press-wide 135 lbs
Seated leg curls 45 lbs
Leg press-middle 135 lbs
Leg extension
Leg press-narrow 135 lbs
Abs (25 leg raises, 25 bicycles, 25 leg raises, 25 knee tucks)

2nd set reps of 20
Leg press-wide 180 lbs
Seated leg curls 45 lbs
Leg press-middle 180 lbs
Leg extension
Leg press-narrow 180 lbs
Abs (25 leg raises, 25 bicycles, 25 leg raises, 25 knee tucks)

3rd set reps of 25
Leg press-wide 225 lbs
Seated leg curls 45 lbs
Leg press-middle 225 lbs
Leg extension
Leg press-narrow 225 lbs
Abs (25 leg raises, 25 bicycles, 25 leg raises, 25 knee tucks)

4th set same as 3rd set

Tuesday: Glutes/Calves
30 minutes on Elliptical
Two sets:
1st set:
Standing calf raises (middle, in, out) 10 reps, 60 lbs
Side leg raises 17 reps, 20 lbs
Machine donkey kicks 17 reps, 40 lbs

2nd set increase leg raises and donkey kicks to 20 reps

I only did two sets because I had to rush to meet people in my fantasy football league to draft our players! I lost this first week :(

Wednesday: Chest/Back
30 minutes Arctrainer
5 sets reps of 17
Chest Press (40 lb, 60 lb, 65 lb, 70 lb, 75 lb)
Pull-up assist machine: Pull-Up, Dips, Chin-Ups

Thursday: Arms/Shoulders
45 minutes Stairclimber
4 sets reps of 17
2 sets 10 lb dumbbells
2 sets 12 lb dumbbells

Bicep Curl
Shoulder Press
Front Raises
Tricep Extensions

Friday: Powerlifting
4 sets:
1st set
Barbell Squat 95 lbs, 10 reps
Deadlift 133 lbs, 12 reps
Dumbbell Power Cleans (15 lb dumbbells), 15 reps

2nd set
Barbell Squat 95 lbs, 12 reps
Deadlift 133 lbs, 14 reps
Dumbbell Power Cleans (15 lb dumbbells), 17 reps

3rd set
Barbell Squat 95 lbs, 14 reps
Deadlift 133 lbs, 17 reps
Dumbbell Power Cleans (15 lb dumbbells), 20 reps

4th set
Barbell Squat 95 lbs, 17 reps
Deadlift 133 lbs, 20 reps
Dumbbell Power Cleans (15 lb dumbbells), 25 reps

Saturday: Kickboxing

Sunday: Da Vinci Body Board

It was my instructor's birthday on Sunday and she brought hats. After class, we also had mimosas! Greatest class ever! :)

Monday: Upper Body
30 minutes Stairclimber
5 sets
Chest Press
Chest Press
Bicep Curls
Tricep Push Downs

I do not remember the weights at all for this! I'm sorry!

Tuesday (today): Legs
30 minutes stairclimber
6 sets: 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25 reps
Leg Press Wide 180 lbs
Leg Press Middle 180 lbs
Leg Press Narrow 180 lbs

6 sets: 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25 reps
Leg extensions

6 sets: 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25 reps
Glute Abductors

6 sets: 15, 20, 25, 25, 25, 25 reps
Hamstring Curls

4 sets of Abs

That's been the last week!

This is seriously my problem πŸ˜‚ I will figure it out! I will get there slowly but surely! I will figure out what works for me! Sorry for the delay in this post! Thanks for reading!

"The difference between try and triumph is a little 'umph'."-Unknown 

I need that 'umph' and step up my training (including diet, especially diet)! lol! I will find it again! I'm sure I will after I give myself some time to recuperate! Rest is important! Talk to soon lovelies! I hope all is well! :) (I have to throw at least one Harry Potter reference in there πŸ’–

Much Love,


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