Magical Me!: An Introduction to Myself, this Blog, and the Beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog! I wanted to give you a short introduction of myself and what I am hoping for with this blog. My name is Arianna, but most know me as Ari. I am 25 years old. If you haven't guessed it from my blog and domain titles as well as the title of this post, I absolutely love Harry Potter! I also love video games, reading, anime, and so much more! Life offers a lot to love, wouldn't you say?! :)

I am starting this blog to talk about/share my weight loss journey and the trek towards obtaining those abs! Sadly, Accio does not work on its own. I'll start at the beginning and will try to be as detailed as possible, but we'll see how my recounting of it goes! When we catch up to where I'm at now, I want to talk about the struggles that still exist and how there are still goals I've yet to reach. I am also hoping to get feedback from any readers (if I have any) on what they would like me to talk about and if they have tips and advice they'd like to share!

Weight has always been a struggle for me. I cannot tell you how many times I have attempted to lose weight, reach a certain point, plateau, everything falls apart, and I gain it all back. I have felt so defeated so many times. I do well tracking my calories and keeping to a routine. Then, I lose motivation. It's like I silently and subconsciously use Engorgio causing all of my work to be lost...I'm back to the beginning. When I got back home from studying abroad in Malta in May 2016 (I have a blog for the first half of my time there...although I totally slacked on it, but if interested you can check it out at, I had gained weight...more than I care to admit. At the time, I had to start a routine again to fit into a bridesmaid dress for my best friend's wedding. I lost a few pounds, but after her wedding, a slump happened again. I had no motivation and kept feeling worse and worse about myself causing myself to gain more and more weight. I was not in a good place. I was never very self-confident to begin with, but it was just getting worse. I was unhappy, felt terrible, and avoided looking in the mirror. There is this quote, "It's hard to get fit, but it's harder to look in the mirror and dislike what you see." It's so hard. The end of November and beginning of December 2016 I decided I didn't want to feel that way anymore. I wanted to feel happy with myself. I decided to figure out how and what would make me happy with myself. Thus, began my magical journey filled with ups and downs, happiness and sadness, self-doubt and self-confidence, and so much more. I hope you enjoy experiencing my journey with me, and I hope I can inspire you in some way. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you continue to do so! :)

"Every journey begins with a single step." -Maya Angelou

Much Love,
Ari <3 


  1. I love this �� Can't wait for your next post ��

    1. Yay! :) I am so glad! <3 My next post will be soon! Probably later today or tomorrow!


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