Triwizard Tracking: Progress Photos 3, 4, & 5

Good morning!!! Happy Friday 😃! I am demonstrating my proof of being magical (cause I'm a wizard 😋). Hogwarts Acceptance Letter and Master of Wizardry Degree See?!?! I graduated from Hogwarts 💝 Master wizard right here 😏 (Sorry about the glare) Anyways, today I bring you three progress photos. The first one is really's terrible...feel free to make fun of it. I really do not know how you could not 😆. I can't believe I'm sharing it, but hey, that's what this blog is for. Just prepare yourselves 😂. Weight measurements between progress photos 2 and 3: Feb 19, 2017: 157.5 lbs Progress Photo 3 Progress Photo 3 taken March 8, 2017 weighing it at 156.5 lbs. I remember taking this photo. I do not know why I didn't retake it 😂. I had just woken up to use the bathroom, and when I looked in the mirror, it was the first time I had seen progress in myself. Yes, the number on the scale was going down, but I hadn't noticed a ch...