Lean Muscle Challenge Week 2 and 3. RIP Kobe :(

Good evening everyone. I hope you are all doing great. I am starting to figure out my weights for strength training again for the Lean Muscle Challenge. Some are lighter than I want to be, but that is expected from some time off. I am sorry for the delayed post. Last weekend was a busy weekned, and with the holiday and the extra time off had me confusing the days of the work (plus I got a couple of snow days off of work). I have also been completely sad today with the unexpected loss of Kobe Bryant and his daughter. Here's my past two training weeks in review: Lean Muscle Challenge Week 2: Monday 1/13/20: Legs, Calves, Abs, and Cardio Strength Training: Smith Machine Squats 3 x 20 reps 40lb, 70lb, 80lb Walking Barbell Lunges 3 x 20 reps 50lb Seated Leg Presses 3 x 20 reps 160lb, 260lb, 260lb Lying Hamstring Curls 3 x 20 reps 30lb, 40lb, 50lb Standing Calf Raises 3 x 20 reps 60lb, 80lb, 80lb Ab Rollouts 3 x Failure Lying Leg Raises 3 x Failure M...